Hopeless Opus
diluc is my king
He was on a high horse and that comment was disrespectful. But like I said, people are lecherous. As long as it isn't advocating for sexual assault and is in private, then do it. There should be ethical standards but only to an extent, because people are lecherous. You, we can only prevent so much.
well in that case, i would not be surprised if trump cheated on melania before. i know he wasn't president at the time, but someone who is looked at as a prestigious person shouldn't even talk about stuff like that in public where he could get exposed, but really he shouldn't have been talking about it at all. you're right, there is only so much we can prevent. but this mentality that it's ok to promote it/express it behind closed doors is why there is so much rape and even justification for rapists today. that's like saying, don't abuse your wife in public, do that at home because it's fine at home. oh, don't rape that girl in the alleyway while she's drunk, do it at home instead where no one will ever find out because that's so unethical. it's NOT fine at home or anywhere else ever, actually.
"oh he couldn't control himself, it was his desire" "maybe if she hadn't worn that, she wouldn't have made them want to rape her" "she had every right to rape him because she had the desire to". instead of promoting the idea that it's okay to talk about sexually assaulting people behind closed doors we should instead be teaching people that it's wrong to do or that it's wrong to desire to do it behind closed doors.