I could say the same for you.
What's wrong with putting the country you're in first? lol...
Our trade deals are garbage, our trade deficit is high, everyone expects our help... America First!
But y'know apparently I'm endorsing white nationalism and being pro-Nazi by saying that according to Lambda Delta.
because Trump's administration totally isn't carrying on the white nationalist pro-nazi themes of it
despite the horrendously executed and piss-poorly mapped out muslim ban
despite the erasure of jews in the holocaust memorial day statement
despite threatening to remove federal aid after a protest against a literal nazi, while saying nothing in regards to the various acts of terrorism committed by whites against muslims and other minority groups
despite removing white supremist groups from the counter-extremist program
despite placing a literal ****ing nazi who's openly expressed his desire to literally destroy the government as the head of national security
despite constantly calling anyone who opposes his vile actions an enemy of the state and mocking their credentials and roles in upholding the various branches of our government
don't start ****ing "takes one to know one" at me, when you clearly can't be assed to do research for a single ****ing thing that challenges your own narrow-minded perceptions
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