Hard to say.. it depends on the situation for me, honestly. If I say "I go to bed at 4 AM" then I say it's late, but if I wake up at 4 AM I call it early
I'm a night owl, so it depends on context. If I'm telling someone I slept late then 4am would be considered late. If someone said they have to get up at 4am to go to the airport, then I'd consider that early.
I wanted to say "It's late if you're tired at 4 am, but early if you feel alert."
...But then I remembered I'm tired when I wake up anyway! So I voted early.
I say "Late" because you're still feeling tired and you haven't gotten enough sleep. Sometimes when I wake up I try to fall back asleep but for whatever reason my body refuses to do it. Now granted this doesn't mean I have sleep problems, I do get enough sleep most of the time but sometimes on certain days when I wake up I have trouble falling back asleep. Its hard to explain.
Since I tend to work on evening shifts I try to use the night to relax and play video games mostly. So I usually end up going to bed at around 2-3AM. I do stay on my phone a bit after so I go to sleep at 4AM most of the time, but then I wake up at around noon so I'm not loosing too much sleep.
Anything which is when the sun is rising, or birds are starting to sing i consider early early morning. Honestly 4am is the cut off time where i consider late switch to early.
Like many others before me have said, if I'm headed off to work, it's early, and if I'm wide awake with nothing better to do than sleep when I know I should be sleeping, it's late. Since I mainly work in the mornings and wake up around 3am almost every day to get ready, it's always going to be considered early to me. As I'm on my way to the bus stop I can sometimes hear birdies chirping, and as they say, "The early bird catches the worm." Which is sometimes literally the case as it tends to rain around that time over here, and lots of worms come out