Do you believe in magic? [Roleplay] - Open and New

(Ok can you please explain I read the other ones and still don't know what's going on)
Hearing the crash, I swung open the window, then lept out. Right before I fell, the strong shadows created by the moonlight rushed towards me, quickly morphing into slates under my feet, preventing me from falling. I then attempted to tackle the person, pulling out my dagger, but fell short, the knife flying out of my hand and into my left arm, pinning me to the ground.

[Here ya go]
Nicolas is stunned. He's read about just about anything, but not how to fight

"W-what should I do???"
He grits his teeth
"We need to get to someone who has supplies to fix this..."
Nicolas was clearly concerned. He actually didn't hats someone and this happens

"I don't know... uh.... yes! Lets get to a town!"
"Uhhh... I know! Redgate! I was there earlier today, they have a doctor!"

He point ts in the dirrection of a town that's not far, but still a long walk, the closest one