Do you chew ice?


|| My last few hours ||
Mar 20, 2016
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
Aurora Sky
New Leaf Token
Green Balloon
do you guys chew/eat ice?

i cant because I have sensitive teeth, and it hurts whenever i eat or drink cold things! whenever i see someone crunchin on some ice or biting into a popsicle it makes me cringe!

So what about you?
I do, it's always been a habit to chew anything that's in my mouth. I always chew hard candies and whenever I tell myself to not do it, I always end up chewing :|
I think it's not a great thing for your teeth so I try to not do it.
I chew ice all the time. Im the same with the hard candies too! I never suck on them just bite right through them lol. Never give me a lollipop cause Ill chew through it like a rabbit lol :p
No. It actually annoys me though? I can't stand it when I hear someone else crunching ice and it makes me want to scream??
I do, it's always been a habit to chew anything that's in my mouth. I always chew hard candies and whenever I tell myself to not do it, I always end up chewing :|
I think it's not a great thing for your teeth so I try to not do it.

yea i heard its very bad for the enamel and since enamel dont grow back......
Shouldn't this be in brewster's?

Anyways whenever my friend is over my house he fills an entire cup with ice and just starts chewing on it. He is pretty weird af
No, I can't as I have very sensitive and weak teeth, due to some enamel issues, so I can not chew ice.
I used to until I got older and now my teeth have a ton of cavities so yeahh... Thats a no go
I used to a lot, but I don't anymore due to sensitive teeth, I had a few relatives that did all the time too. I heard it's a sign of iron deficiency or something.
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Not really "chew" but when it gets small enough, i'll just break it.

my teeth's too sensitive to just chew on a new block of ice. i do the same for lollipops.
boop!, my teeth are also too sensitive to bite through hard candies ;{
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I have on occasion, but I have sensitive teeth, so it's painful unless I bite it in a really specific way. Usually I suck on ice if I'm really craving ice.