Review the Video Game Above You!


Not being active on here anymore.
Sep 15, 2024
One person will suggest a game, and the person below them will review and give it a score from 1-10.


1. Actually review the game, just giving the review score doesn't really provide much information.

2. Give good faith constructive criticism, don't just say "THIS GAME SUCKS LOL XD!!" Please be civil and actually ELABORATE on your thoughts.

3. If you haven't played the game that's in the prompt, don't try to review it. You can't really properly review media if you never experienced it. Also don't just say "Never played it", please wait until someone else asks about a game you have actually played before.

4. Many peices of media have infamous and/or toxic fandoms, but you should never use "I hate this cause the fandom is really cringe" as an actual criticism of the media itself. It's not the game's fault the people who play it are unpleasant to you personally. Saying a peice of media is bad because you don't like the fandom is an example of a biased and bad faith criticism. Review the game itself, not everything around it.

5. On the topic of external media, please stay on the topic of the game itself unless the external media in question is actually 100% necessary to understand certain aspects of a game, but other than that, stay on topic of the game you're reviewing itself.

6. Don't mention mods or hacks. Talk about the base game itself completely 100% unmodified.

7. Don't make personal attacks and/or threats against the the creators of the game in your review.

Anyways I think im done with giving the rules, it's time for the game to begin...

Wii Sports?
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Probably one of the best Wii games out there, as it was the best way to showcase the Wii remote's capabilities upon its initial release and is overall fun to play, whether by yourself or with other people. There's a lot of variety and you can sink many hours into the game. I'll give it a 8.5/10, since the controls are sometimes wonky and Wii Sports Resort greatly improved on its predecessor. Not perfect, but still great.

Super Mario World?
Okay I’m not biased just because it has Yoshi I swear

It’s a really good 2D Mario experience and it finds a good enough balance of difficulty where it’s not too easy for people who are good at the games but not too hard for newcomers. If it does feel too easy at first, it does have a lot of challenging stages. The controls are very fluid. Definitely a good recommendation for anyone who wants to start playing (2D) Mario games. I will say that it is pretty basic for an SNES game (which does make sense considering it was essentially a tech demo) and has a lot of annoying small features, but they don’t take away too much from the actual game. 9/10.

Super Mario Sunshine?
Not my favorite to be honest, maybe it was because I was playing the 3D All-Stars version but I just really disliked using the F.L.U.D.D. and I thought it was just really clunky and annoying to use. The environments are very nice though and Isle Delfino will always be one of my favorite locations in the Mario series. I'd say probably a 5/10, maybe it's a bit of a harsh score but idk.

Tomodachi Life?
10/10 Pokemon Black and White, even though it received initial backlash from fans worldwide for similar Pokemon designs to generation one, is one of the best Pokemon games story-wise hands down, with interesting characters, fun gym battles, and an immersive post-game (which is later expanded upon in B2W2). Also one of the most fun games to do Nuzlocke challenges on thanks to Audino training, Pokemon Black and White offers massive replayability and is a huge reason why it's so sought-after these days.

Fire Emblem: Awakening?
1/10 I don't like The Sims series.

Fire Emblem: Awakening again since it was not replied to in months, lmao.
And it will continue to not be replied to because I do not play Fire Emblem lol. Sorry Riley, maybe next time.

Mario Kart 7?
Mario Kart 7 is great, last Mario Kart game I played I believe. 9/10.

Okay then.... what about Xenoblade Chronicles (the original)?