Do you craft or buy tools?

Do you craft or buy tools?

  • Craft cheap tool

    Votes: 8 5.3%
  • Craft and upgrade tool

    Votes: 29 19.2%
  • Buy the cheap tool

    Votes: 3 2.0%
  • Buy the cheap tool and upgrade

    Votes: 3 2.0%
  • Buy the colourful/outdoorsy/etc.

    Votes: 95 62.9%
  • Use golden tools

    Votes: 13 8.6%

  • Total voters
I aggressively make tools because I’m trying to complete my Nook Miles things, but it leads to some funny moments. On more than one occasion I’ve baffled people when I open my storage and there’s literally 200 flimsy fishing rods sitting there :’)
I customize my tools often to reset the durability so I don't need to buy new ones
I buy the colourful ones. They're cheap and I'd much rather buy that than have to run around to gather materials... plus they last awhile.
I buy the designed ones from Nook's. The iron ones break too easily, and finding a gold nugget for the golden tools is such a hassle and a waste. The fact that some of them like the Golden Shovel don't have their additional effect from the past games make golden tools feel so nerfed. Golden tools were the hype of every Animal Crossing game and now they're meh.
I know crafting them takes literally forever but I always end up crafting the cheap tools and just use those- sometimes I would upgrade them though, depending on the tool. There's just something about collecting the resources and crafting your own tools that makes the game a bit more fun to me.
i usually tend to buy upgraded tools and try and customise them to avoid them breaking after using them for a while. now i just buy a few of whatever i need, if i’m relocating flowers i’ll buy a few shovels in hopes i don’t have to run back to the shop and get more
i’m lazy and just buy the tools from timmy and tommy, with the exception of axes since i need stone axes to not destroy my trees. every now and then i’ll do the customization reset but i forget more times than not.
I’m currently using the cheap axe for chopping wood (but don’t want cut down the tree), and then recustomizing the rest of my non-gold tools at the beginning of each session. I may switch to using the cheap tools all around, bc I still need to finish the Nook Miles achievement for that one.
I always craft and upgrade! I'm too stingy with my bells (in games in general actually).... except when it's time to buy other items :^)