Do you customize your switch?


Senior Member
May 12, 2020
Star Glow Wand
Lost Star Fragment 004.MB
Yellow Crescent Moon
Galaxolotl Star Fragment
Planet Glow Wand
Andromeda Potion
Angel Wings Potion
Shadow Kitty Plush
Pink Love Potion
Eerie Star Potion
My sister got me this skin for my Nintendo Switch Lite:


After struggling to apply it smoothly, I'm quite happy with how it turned out. How have you guys decorated your switch, if at all?
I am customizing it all the time. I like to spraypaint my Joy Cons fitting to the current Season.
For Christmas I had them two slightly different shades or red with glitter, last summer I made them full Animal Crossing Joy Cons and right now they are green and yellow! I have also customized a Switch Lite at one point. Feel free to check out all the customizations here :D
I really like the soft shell cases. My switch currently looks like this:
But I also bought a new case with matching thumb grips. It’s purple with cats and sweets all over it. Just waiting for it to come in.
I haven't customised my switch at all though I have considered changing the color of my joycons with spraypaint or something like that (I would love one purple and one hot pink) :>
I have just a clear soft case on my grey switch lite and pink and purple flower thumb grips
Not much, but I do have some little cat paw joystick caps! They're red and blue, to match my red and blue joycons. c: I might get a case or a skin for it at some point though.
I haven't skinned it yet but on my lite I put peach thumb grips! I'm so bad at applying any kind of decals/stickers so until I can meet up with friends again mine will be plain, haha! My big switch is already animal crossing themed so I don't think I'd ever put a case on it. Or anything that's not clear at least. I would consider more thumb grips though!
No, but I bought some Splatoon joycons because my original ones had awful drift.
Nope, because I remember hearing it damages the paint job on your Switch, so I won't even attempt.
i don’t have skins or anything like that on my switch but i put some stickers on it that are now falling off.
No, because I got the Let's Go Pikachu switch, and it's already so nicely decorated. ^^ That said, I really wanted to get some of those really cute thumb grips, saw a set that was a puppy face and a fox I think, that were in colors that would have looked nice with my Joy cons, but alas, I wasn't able to get them. xc I just have some plain gray ones, sadly.
I haven't customized my Switch at all, and I never will since I'm not somebody who customizes the exterior of their console/handheld/controller/computer/etc
No but I'm always tempted to because I've seen some really nice pictures of custom Switches.
I definitely would, but I can't. Unfortunately I share my switch so sticker-bombing my switch is out of the question. =(
I have a skin on mine, mostly because I had to buy a grey switch lite instead of one of the nicer colours and i just couldn't bear looking at it any more lmao. atm it's got daisies on it but i'm considering buying a different skin! we'll see
I have a skin that's cat silhouettes against a rainbow gradient background. I also have pink and blue cat paw caps.

I might get a soft case, once I find one I really like.
No because I have the Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee switch and I don’t want to make it worse by attempting anything that I’ve never done before because it could go badly wrong.
I never customize any of my electronic devices. The closest thing my Switch has to customization is a custom cover for the front of the dock that I purchased off of Etsy years back, soon after I had acquired the Switch itself, because I had seen people saying how they were accidentally scratching their Switch's screens when placing them into the dock even if they were careful because of a design flaw in the dock's construction or something along those lines. Figured it was better to be safe than sorry. The design is just a pattern with skulls, not really purchased for the design itself so much as because it was the best combination of inexpensive price and a design I found tolerable.