Do you find Animal Crossing stressful?

I get stressed out if I try to play it meticulously. Such as, trying to ensure I keep all the villagers I like stressed me out, so I decided to just enjoy the new faces that move in and let one move when they want to move out. Trying to keep track of what items I have and need stressed me out, so I just buy whatever looks good, regardless of if it's already in my catalogue. Trying to catch certain bugs/fish/what have you to finish my collection stressed me out, so I've decided to just do that sort of thing casually and be pleasantly surprised when it's one I need.
I stress out pretty easily so I try to keep Animal Crossing as stress free as I can so I don't start to avoid it.
Even though I try to have a great town and make things perfect, I always do it for fun and to have no stress. Especially when with friends, I enjoy playing with others on this game. A few things on this game can make me frustrated like trying to catch a rare bug or fish forever, or if you accidentally mess up flowers or place a project in the wrong spot, but other than that not too much
Its only stressful when Im on the island trying to get money - but as soon as I discovered Bell Tree Forums all of that went away!! Its soooo relaxing... i love decorating my house and talking to my animals :)
It?s really only been bad for me once. Typically I love organizing but recently became overwhelmed with how full my storage was and how cluttered all my rooms were. On top of that pockets completely full. My anxiety started going crazy.

Though selling most of it was a relief.
It's only stressful for me when I haven't came on in like 2 months and I have a lot of weeds to pull.
Villagers requesting bugs and fish that are rare. (you accidently agreed to it) Finding perfect items for villagers (requesting 2x2 items and such). Villagers visiting your house in times (missed mitizi invite to my house, she got really sad). Public work projects. Cleaning and selling out my stuff in my storage. Hunting bugs and fishing on the island. Also worried about my homeloan
No, I do not find it stressful. I mostly play the game each day the way I want it. Find a few fossils, talk to a few villagers/do favors, and maybe plan out some of my town layout. I play this game to relax.
No. What does stress me out however are those people that play the game in a way that makes it stressful. I get it, Animal Crossing is a game where you get to live the life you want to live, but on the same coin I can't help but wonder why anyone would take something meant to act as an escape from your stressful real life and double up on it and live TWO stressful lives.

I play Animal Crossing organically and allow what happens to happen. I don't try to fight a villager that moves in in an unwanted area, I work around around it. I don't reset several hundred times to get the perfect location. I don't trade and barter my villagers. Heck, I don't even interact with other players in-game beyond just visiting a town to pick up something from their shop.
No, I don't find it stressful at all. I'm not like everyone else trying my dear hardest to make that so called "perfect town". Instead I just play the game for fun or when I need to relax. Sometimes it's OK to be a little picky, but I'm normally fine with going with whatever town the game gives me and whatever happens in the game, happens. :)
I always cared more about the museum than the look of my town or house, so I never really compared my town/house to others. The grass deterioration in City Folk frustated and stressed me a bit nontheless.

But I usually only get stressed out, when I only have a few days left to catch a fish/bug before its season is over. This happend with a few rare fish/bugs that are harder to catch. The thought of having to wait months until you get another chance, if you don't time travel can get a bit stressful for me.
I don't find it stressful at all, I mean, if you take everything easy and don't get mad when something
doesn't work right from the start then it's actually pretty relaxing.