Do you guys ever give answers to your villagers and then totally forget about it until they randomly bring it up again?


Senior Member
Apr 20, 2014
I guess I fed that information to Dom and now he thinks I'm some sort of crazy dude lol

Yep! I answered "Mimosas on Sunday mornings" to one, "Bloody Marys on Sunday mornings" to another, and "Coffee" to a third, to the prompt "what's your favorite drink?" Of these, Coffee is the every day lol. Sadly, I haven't had a Mimosa or Bloody Mary on a Sunday in a long time. Might have to change that...🤔 also...why did so many villagers ask me the same thing? 🤨🤔🧐
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I don't generally give honest or realistic answers to those questions unless the answer seems funny enough to me naturally.

"Is it true you like ...can't read?" is my personal fave when it pops up, although not often enough where the phrasing makes good grammatical sense. And yet... I keep telling them I can't read.
I don't generally give honest or realistic answers to those questions unless the answer seems funny enough to me naturally.

"Is it true you like ...can't read?" is my personal fave when it pops up, although not often enough where the phrasing makes good grammatical sense. And yet... I keep telling them I can't read.

Oh man, that's so fun XD I'll give answers like that a shot next time.
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I forgot about this one, I made a profile for my 18 month old (for more storage lol), his nickname is Wox. One of my villagers one time asked, "Is it true Wox likes movies for babies?" I must have answered that his favorite type of movies were "movies for babies" when I was on his profile one time lol.
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All the time. I don't talk to my villagers that often because I'm not playing as much anymore so it takes effort on my part to try to get to the questions but most of the time I don't even remember what I put down. I always put silly answers so it's more interesting
I probably don't talk to my villagers enough since I've only been asked for responses about my character a few times and it was all in early-to-mid 2020 😅 But good to know that they tell this stuff to visitors haha