This is The Stig aka Stiggles aka Mr. Stigglesworth aka Stiggy. He has really light pretty blue eyes but they're hard to capture in good light. He's a flame-point Siamese mutt of some sort and was super tiny when I found him. He was so tiny and flea-ridden, that the vet didn't think he was going to make it, but he did, thankfully. He's a super sweet boy/grump old man and loves his sleep, lap time, and sunbeams.
This is Molly. She's a *****oid and is super sweet when she wants her cuddles. She does some of the funniest 'people' things (or tries to lol) and I wonder if she's really a dog under there sometimes. Her batteries never run out and she has way too much energy. I can't keep up with her and she's around 3 years old now.