Rushed a little on the map selection. I hate beaches that are gapped. And apples. I hate apples.
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I actually remember the first time I saw you on the boards (which was earlier this week so.. x__x), and my inital reaction was "waaat das not rite". But almost automatically, I remember that AC sucks because of their chara count, so it made sense. Don't worry, no one thinks you're dumb. Especially not someone who named their town "Dinosaur" (I didn't think I'd be playing with Wifi people.... ;___
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I regret my town name. I regret it so much it hurts. :'C
I was going for the Belle Reve from A Streetcar Named Desire, which is intentionally incorrect french in the play, to make a statement...anyway, I'm not gonna explain it, if you know the play than you know what that all is about. But it's a french phrase, and it's totally incorrect grammar.
When I was entering it in, with Rover, there wasn't enough space, so I had to put Bel Reve instead, which is even worse grammar-wise, and now doesn't even match my original reasoning of the plantation name from the play. XC So basically, I always feel dumb when I have to tell someone the name of my town, and pray that they don't speak french, because then they'll think I'm a total moron.
I mean, I worked my buns off on my town, it would be nice to be able to feel like it's perfectly the way I wanted it. But the only way I could change the name, is to demolish all my hard work. Isn't that ironic...
It's almost funny, if it wasn't so sad.
I actually remember the first time I saw you on the boards (which was earlier this week so.. x__x), and my inital reaction was "waaat das not rite". But almost automatically, I remember that AC sucks because of their chara count, so it made sense. Don't worry, no one thinks you're dumb. Especially not someone who named their town "Dinosaur" (I didn't think I'd be playing with Wifi people.... ;___