Do you have trust issues?

I like to trust people. Going by the "everyone sucks" mentality only made my situation worse. It's a very rigid way of thinking and it limits the potential of finding fulfilling relationships. While people do suck and i've had my fair share of experiences with that, i've known some pretty cool people too.
nah, after a while you can figure out if someones a good person or not and choose what to do from there, so theres no real benefit to go around trusting nobody lol
I do and it’s debilitating at times. Before 2021 I was overly trusting. I’d share my deepest thoughts and feelings with just about anyone if I talked to them for more than a few days. It’s a part of why I was doxxed so easily. Last year I entered a toxic relationship. I’ll put into a spoiler since a I’ve talked about it before.
I was cheated on the entire time, the person would ignore me whenever they were angry, and they cut all contact without warning. My trust was shattered. I trusted them deeply and I was manipulated.
From then on I developed trust and attachment issues. I have to fight a voice in my head regularly that says my friends will abandon me without warning. I know they won’t since they’re my real friends, but the thought still pops in.

I’ve tried contacting my therapists on the issue. They said I need to establish boundaries. I’ve never done that before, so I’m lost. Online articles on the subject are vague too. Every conversation starter on there looks stiff and awkward to use. I also don’t know if I should do it with all of my friends or just a few. If anyone has advice on that I’d really appreciate it.

I want to be optimistic. The scars from that trauma will fade with time. It’s just that some days it feels like it’s permanent.
only when it comes to jobs? socially im pretty trusting. but when it comes to the workplace thats different because ive been burned one too many times by bosses and coworkers.
I think that I can read people pretty well and can judge when I can trust people and when I can't when it's relevant, so no.

I'm in a deeply committed and secure relationship.

Also I don't share particularly personal information with many people. That's not a "trust issue", it's just not their business. A side effect is that if you don't share stuff then the fear that the information could be exploited can't even be there. I have little to no desire to be seen and acknowledged by the masses (like people posting selfies on Instagram). Although I'm not afraid to stand out if it's by doing something that I enjoy for the sake of it, but that's starting to become off-topic.
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I went through bullying, fake friends, and toxic family members, but I have to say...the hardest person to trust is myself.

It's strange because I have good self-esteem. I like myself, but I don't think I make good decisions and suck at planning. I am not good at standing up for myself. I am creative and impulsive and anxious and kind of a mess. I have thinner skin than a bat's wing. These are all good qualities (aside from the thin skin and passiveness), I think, but a bit challenging for the conventional lines of logical living. (If that makes any sense....)
School is such a horrible place, why do people(kids) feel the need to make other kids so miserable? Im so sorry that happened to you, hopefully you have had time to heal.

It used to be hard to trust friends because I had such a negative perception of myself. Never felt I was good enough, never thought I contributed anything. Hard to describe but something just clicked and Im able to love myself, it didnt help that I was around some pretty judgemental people lol

When it comes to matters of love, I dont trust a soul. My last real boyfriend was an absolute nightmare and I havent really recovered from it after so many years. Had a few flings but Ive never felt honest to goodness "love" since this one horrible guy. Super unfair, Id like to overcome this
I like to trust people. Going by the "everyone sucks" mentality only made my situation worse. It's a very rigid way of thinking and it limits the potential of finding fulfilling relationships. While people do suck and i've had my fair share of experiences with that, i've known some pretty cool people too.
Yeah, I’m guilty of assuming the worst in people, but I’ve definitely dropped that mentality. It only attracts the wrong types of people. You need to open yourself up to the possibility of making friends and trusting people. Most people are approachable and want to make friends just as much as you, but you sometimes have to be the one to take the first step.

I’ve trusted a few people that I regret opening up to, but that’s how you learn. Sometimes you have to experience things like this to learn. Take it as a learning experience.
I'm probably overly trusting of people, but at the same time I feel like I'm fairly good at reading people's intentions. Although once I've been burned once by someone, it does make me cautious of them.
Yep. I really don't like it but being let down by so many people it's not really easy to trust others.
I don't think I'd go so far as to say I have issues but I do have some defenses up when getting to know new people/I try to be cautious. I think it's a healthy amount, personally. I've seen too many people be overly trusted and get hurt. I think the other part is that I am naturally untrusting of very confident/overly friendly people but others seem to trust them more, even though in my experience those people tend to cause more issues.