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Do you let villagers move in naturally?


Jul 27, 2015
Sautéed Mushrooms
As in you don't plot reset? I was resetting for a while, but only for placement. I never peeked at who was moving in. As a result I ended up with a town where I only liked one villager. It's tough because I want to experience all the villagers in the game, but it's hard when you keep getting Moose and Diva type villagers forever haha
I've never plot reseted. And have yet to "move in" any villager purposefully - not even by amiibo card, although I'll be doing that later this week.

I don't have any dreamies really, and I'm fine with even the villagers I have who aren't to my personal taste. I'm not much fussed since I find the dialogue so limited that they all kinda blend together to me lol.
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I put some paths down that help with moving villagers into a desirable place but I'm not too fussed about who moves in, as long as they don't crush my trees or anything :p Since my 2nd town is still fresh (3 months old) I'm okay with just experiencing whoever decides to move in. I got Pango this way and I love her!
I've definitely used progressively less natural means to move in villagers over time.
I like getting my dreamies off of here and from amiibo cards, but I don't plot reset, it seems way too complicated, haha!
I don't plot reset. I have a natural town, and for me it's not natural to decide where a villagers places his house. And tbh it's too much time and work to invest for 1 villager house, haha.
I did in the beginning and for a while until I discovered cycling and trading villagers, lol
I used to plot reset in the town I wiped, but it was way too much work. I have two natural towns now and it's so much less stressful and I feel like I enjoy the game so much more! I like the surprise of getting new villagers. That said, I don't think I will have any random move ins after the initial ones because I got crap villagers in Willow. Now that there's so many cheap villagers thanks to amiibo cards I don't mind asking around.
Nope, never have, but the way I placed my PWPs made my paths nearly plot-placement proof. Since with the update, I don't really have to worry about where my villagers land. Now I could just place a pattern if it's next to a section I don't want them to destroy.
No. I used to but now that I work really hard on landscaping, the last thing I want is for someone to plop right down on my hrbrids, trees and bushes that I spend so much time and money on haha
Absolutely not! My town is pretty developed by now (not perfect by any means), so there are actually not very many places a villager could plop their house down that wouldn't ruin everything. There are limits to how much I'm willing to re-landscape, so I always plot reset. Not that I swap out villagers very often.
I used too before the update. Now I'm into plot-resetting and all of my villagers are moved in via Amiibo cards. Oh I can't tell you how many times an animal plot right down on my poor perfect fruit trees or my flowers. Really glad Nintendo added the "can't plot on paths" feature. So handy and my greenery is safe. :)
I used to plot reset when I was trying to move the houses in this tiny area on the east part of my map. When I want to switch them up, I just cover the other possible 3x3 spots with patterns that they might move into (it doesn't take me more than 5 minutes to do it). They have no choice but to plot on the same spot where the previous villager house was. I just load my mayor file the next day like usual.
I used to plot reset when I was trying to move the houses in this tiny area on the east part of my map. When I want to switch them up, I just cover the other possible 3x3 spots with patterns that they might move into (it doesn't take me more than 5 minutes to do it). They have no choice but to plot on the same spot where the previous villager house was. I just load my mayor file the next day like usual.

I didn't really need to plot-reset until Chrissy, the little cheeky bunny, managed to find 2-3 spots to move into (missed them with path tiles lol) before I started plot-resetting. I know a lot of people do this, but I just wanted her next to Francine too. It's too cute not to do. :)
I didn't adopt any villagers or plot reset at all for Noveon because I didn't even know those were a thing back then. But, as soon as I knew it existed, I've adopted all the villagers in my other towns and plotted each of them, because it's so much more convenient!
yep, i've never ever plot resetted. sometimes i wish that i did though but where my villagers moved isn't too bad.
Nope, ever since I found out about plot resetting and how to do it, i've never let a villager move in naturally since. Although plot resetting is a pain, I don't miss walking around town and bumping into a villager plot that's destroyed my flowers or my path. It's less of a shock when you know where you put them and there's no worry about where they'll plot either and whether it'll hinder your progress or not.
I had a town for two years. Never bothered to plot reset. I do in my new town because I've had 80-90% of the villagers I have a good idea who I do and don't like. Plot resetting doesn't usually work too great for me though. Yesterday I spent all day trying to move Genji into a row of houses. He plotted four times in the wrong spot. I gave up so now he lives off in the woods all alone. Fine Genji be that way.