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Do You Like Being Mayor?


Senior Member
Jun 16, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Winter Mittens
Just out of curiosity, which do you prefer, being mayor, or just being a regular citizen?

Personally, I prefer being a mayor. I like passing laws and having my own secretary x3
I like being the mayor because it feels like I'm being rewarded more for doing so much work on the town, plus it just makes more sense! I like having more control over the town, too.
Being the mayor is definitley more fun just cause you have more control over your town. But I feel like there's more they could've done with it rather then just town customization and Ordinances. But no reason to complain its still better than the previous titles :3
no I hate it and it's a horrible new feature

wth is this question
no I hate it and it's a horrible new feature

wth is this question

lol what I thought.

I think most of us prefer being the mayor. In AC being mayor is just like being a regular player but with just benefits of control over town and no see-able disadvantages.
I like being the mayor. It's something new and the fact that you can build community projects and decorate your town the way you want is really great!
It's better than it was in previous games because it gives you more freedom to build the town as you see fit. For instance, I wanted a bridge put in immediately because the path to the beach was very roundabout. So, I raised the funds and it should be there today. When a new ordinance comes up, I'll pick the one I want and then build towards it. It allows me to work for things rather than get bored with fishing or collecting bugs for the upteenth time. At least I know doing so will be going towards something I want.
Of course I like being mayor. I pretty much ruled over the town in the other games. It's high time they acknowledged it and shoved that lazy old tortoise out of the big fancy chair! >:3
Yes, but I feel that we should have more power over villager house placement. Sigh.
Yes, but I feel that we should have more power over villager house placement. Sigh.

I could't agree more! I would love if even we had a couple options to choose from. Even just 2 options! They just seem to WANT to move in to the most inconvenient locations....
I could't agree more! I would love if even we had a couple options to choose from. Even just 2 options! They just seem to WANT to move in to the most inconvenient locations....

Yeah, this is a big one. They can move wherever they want and mess up the whole plan of the village.
I've just started playing today and I'm not really sure I like it. I know the animals don't really know me that well yet, but I don't like how they're treating me differently rather in the other games they would gossip and would treat me like a friend (some even hated me, *cough* Hopper! *cough*) but maybe their attitudes will change in time.

I really like having the option of adding businesses and things to the town. That's exciting! c:
I'm 50/50 on it. I love the fact that you can add projects to your town and pass the ordinances, it adds more depth to the game. I just hate the fact that the animals only pay for 0.01% of the project. If you want that project so badly then pay for it yourself, you lazy animals.
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I've just started playing today and I'm not really sure I like it. I know the animals don't really know me that well yet, but I don't like how they're treating me differently rather in the other games they would gossip and would treat me like a friend (some even hated me, *cough* Hopper! *cough*) but maybe their attitudes will change in time.

I really like having the option of adding businesses and things to the town. That's exciting! c:

I'm pretty sure they can have negative attitudes towards you still. It's still early so they don't have anything to hate you for. In previous games, it was a shallow dislike. In this, as the mayor, they are your constituents. If you don't do nice things for the town or use the public works system to benefit everyone instead of just you they will probably show you. I don't know for sure, but I thought I read somewhere that if you only benefit yourself, they'll get upset.
I love it. I think it was a very smart move by Ninty. As others have said, it gives you an element of control, makes you feel like you have something to work towards and I think it helps to make a stronger bond between the player and the village and it's inhabitants.
lol what I thought.

I think most of us prefer being the mayor. In AC being mayor is just like being a regular player but with just benefits of control over town and no see-able disadvantages.

I agree with this. However, public works projects are a rather large money-sink...
Sort of. I just don't like all the restrictions. I shouldn't have to 'take the day off' just because I finished one public works project or because the bug catching contest is going on.
I love being Mayor! Public works can personalize your town and ordinances! why wouldn't it be good being mayor? less work?...