Do you like gelatin desserts (like Jell-O)?

Do you like gelatin desserts (AKA Jell-O)?

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Good grief.
Mar 16, 2014
Green Candy
Red Candy
Tasty Cake
Winter Mittens
Ancient Candle
Pumpkin Cupcake
Voodoo Doll
I personally love gelatin/Jell-O and could eat the stuff all day. However, it seems like not many people like it. Do you like it or not?
I used to love Jell-O when I was younger, but not so much anymore. I would still eat it, but I wouldn't go out of my way to get it or make it.
No. No no no no. no. Can't stand it. Anything with the consistency of jello just makes me sick, ahah. I don't know why tho, it's not like I have a horror story involving jello or anything.
I can’t stand em. I’ve always felt this way
I enjoy them. I don't eat them very much though. Compared to other desserts, they are not my absolute favorite, but they are still quite good.
i can't eat them since i became vegetarian but i go very rarely get an odd craving for jelly haha
I enjoy them. I don't eat them very much though. Compared to other desserts, they are not my absolute favorite, but they are still quite good.

This basically sums up my response. It’s one of those things I like to eat, but don’t go out of my way to eat. So I haven’t had Jello-O in years, but I do like it.
I like those we find in Asian groceries with coco jellies inside. I don't eat Jell-o often, mostly when I'm sick, but I do like it.
Eh, it's ok. Nothing special.
When I use to eat it, it was alright. I'm not a fan on the consistency and it tends to make a mess sometimes.
The only gelatin I consume is when there's alcohol involved, other than that...nope. I don't like the texture, flavor, etc. If I had to choose a dessert, it certainly wouldn't be this.
i'm an extremely picky eater and i have really bad sensory issues, so it's a no from me.
I haven't eaten it since I was 13, since I became a vegetarian. gelatin = bones
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I'm fine with it. It's not something I would eat all the time but I find it tolerable.
I like jelly a lot, I just don't eat it very often. I only eat it when I go to restaurants. Especially when going to my favourite Japanese place, they serve raindrop cake with maple syrup and soy bean powder, it's really good :)
Depends. I like Jell-o and puddings alone. But I hate the like gelatin deserts with fruit and stuff in them.
I used to love the green jell-o when I was younger. The pudding I still do like thou.
Jell-O is really fun. When I was younger and whenever my family went to this Chinese buffet, they?d have cubes of jell-o that I would just slurp up. It was cool but now I?m supposed to eat like an adult :(
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