Do you like people?


Senior Member
Sep 8, 2013
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Not really in the terms of..... extrovert or introvert. Although that is a part of my question too.

I am more curious do you like people in terms of human nature and despite human nature.

I believe all humans are inherently evil. That is just how humans are. Maybe it's because of how I grew up and my childhood- and it's probably a defense mechanism thing but if someone does something.. horrible, I just tell myself that's how it is. Cause they're human. But it's not like I hate them or anything.
It's a bit complicated.. but I also do not like human company.
It all kind of feels like a giant game sometimes..
My thoughts are not gathered very well right now, but I'd be interested in hearing other people's thoughts on this.
Oh, that made me really sad to read. :(

I don't think all humans are inherently evil. I work with toddlers and you can see how loving and curious they are. They sometimes do things that we as adults might percieve as "mean" (biting, taking a toy, pushing) but that's not their intention. Little kids are still learning impulse control and learning how to communicate. They see something they want and they don't have the ability to process how to get it in a kind way yet so they just... grab it.

It's also why you'll see kids spill a little bit of something and then just dump the whole thing out. Or jump in a massive puddle despite being in runners and regular clothes, lol.

I find I have a lot more patience and compassion for kids than I do adults, though. It can be really hard to look at the current state of things and not feel like people are evil. There are definitely bad people out there and maybe some people are just born evil (nature vs nurture) but as a whole I choose to believe that people are born good, or at least neutral.
It's complicated. In general, no. No, I don't like humans. I'm both introverted and see problems with humanity in general.
But it's not everyone. I do have friends, though they're only online.
The kind of people I don't like are usually on parts of the internet I avoid.
Oh, that made me really sad to read. :(

I don't think all humans are inherently evil. I work with toddlers and you can see how loving and curious they are. They sometimes do things that we as adults might percieve as "mean" (biting, taking a toy, pushing) but that's not their intention. Little kids are still learning impulse control and learning how to communicate. They see something they want and they don't have the ability to process how to get it in a kind way yet so they just... grab it.

It's also why you'll see kids spill a little bit of something and then just dump the whole thing out. Or jump in a massive puddle despite being in runners and regular clothes, lol.

I find I have a lot more patience and compassion for kids than I do adults, though. It can be really hard to look at the current state of things and not feel like people are evil. There are definitely bad people out there and maybe some people are just born evil (nature vs nurture) but as a whole I choose to believe that people are born good, or at least neutral.
Ahahah, sorry for making you sad, Lumi!

Oh that's interesting. Yeah, I don't think children are evil. I feel like it's mainly the environments that cultivate certain behavior.. for the good or the bad. I feel like when I meet a genuinely good person, it shocks me to my core because of how I view human nature.
Like, "wow, despite all their obstacles , they persevered and succeeded " It always impresses me
I don't 'dislike' people, but I have trouble fitting in with people. I like talking and learning about others but I don't actually have friends.

I think people are too complex to place on a black and white spectrum. I'd say the majority of people don't exist on a place of 'good or bad'. We all have flaws and imperfections and that can change how others perceive us.

I definitely have my flaws. I was told yesterday by a guy that I should 'seriously work on myself'. I agreed. I thought his criticism of me was correct.

Although I would guess from our limited interaction and his harsh tone that I'm not a good person in his eyes. From his world view I had only been a heavy inconvenience.

Perspective is powerful.
Generally, no. Not at all. My work has unfortunately put me in the mind frame that most people are selfish/self-absorbed/self-important, so I treat them that way until they prove otherwise.
It’s honestly amazing how many people think their hand cramp is just as valid as someone’s dementia/cancer/pertussis etc.
I find myself liking and disliking people at the same time. There are so, so many wonderful people I know in my life and while they or I am not perfect, they're still good and friendly humans at the end of the day. But there are just as many bad people out there too, and I hate that.
It’s complicated. I like being around and meeting new people to the point where I can walk up to just about anyone and start a conversation.

I’m just very selective with who I keep in contact with. I actually don’t have many friends despite claiming to be an extrovert, but I do talk to lots of people. Of course, you can talk to people and not be friends with them.

I encounter many people. I am friends with a select few. I can be friendly with some. But there are many I just don’t vibe with, and that’s okay!
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It depends on what people were talking about. I like kind, funny, and interesting people. Unfortunately, the loudest people (or the ones we hear the most about) are usually none of those things.

I find a lot of people annoying. Maybe I get irritated easily (by celebrities or influencers) or am not as nice as I think. But I’m also in my own world a lot, where a simple interaction feels like a massive interruption.
Despite being betrayed, abandoned, excluded, bullied, and more in the past I don't think people are inherently evil, nor do I dislike humanity as a whole. There's always going to be bad apples in life but that's because of the choices they make. Everyone has a set of choices every day and that... is up to you. And sometimes I have to accept the fact that myself and others won't get along simply because our personalities clash. That doesn't make them inherently evil, however. If everyone in life was inherently evil then we'd all probably not even be here by now.

Even though there's a lot of evil in the world, and a lot of it does come from people, I have also personally witnessed an innumerable amount of people who have helped me and been kind to me and others and have done nothing but boost us up. And as long as those kinds of people still exist in the world, then I won't give up hope for humanity as a whole. 💚