I don't hate Pikachu, but I also don't particularly like Pikachu either. I like Raichu more and it has been bothersome that Raichu has been in Pikachu's shadow so long and barely ever got improvements or changes until it got Lightning Rod as its Hidden Ability. Meanwhile, Pikachu has the Light Ball, and that is sufficient enough reason for some to never feel the need to evolve their Pikachu. Which, you know, that's fine and all but it almost feels like Raichu would be appreciated more if it were its own Pokemon unrelated to Pikachu, like the other electric rodents spread out through the generations.
Alolan Raichu is a thing now thanks to Sun & Moon, but that doesn't really do anything for the standard Raichu. I guess if nothing else it at least gives Raichu some more exposure that it has sorely lacked over the years.
Since it has been brought up in the poll though, I really like Mimikyu, and for multiple reasons. I definitely find it more interesting than Pikachu.