I've never heard of anyone disliking root beer, altho most people seem to prefer other sodas.
I like root beer very much, it's primary flavor component is sassafrass, and lots of brands add vanilla too; i dont drink it a lot bc i prefer caffeinated sodas most of the time. if you like root beer, then you'll probably also like sarsparilla-flavored sodas. my favorite is Sarsi, which i think its actually made by Pepsi for Asian markets, so its hard to find; i have to drink HeySong from Taiwan instead usually, which is okay but not as good as Sarsi...
i've never had root beer before! it's not really popular over here, in fact i don't think i've ever seen it for sale. i'd like to try it but there's not a ton of sodas i like so i don't have too much hope
I voted "Yes! I love it.", but I don't like it as much as I used to. As a kid, I loved the stuff, especially root beer floats, but now I don't drink it much. Coke kinda surpassed that taste for me back around 2009.
Definitely not a fan - it's way too sweet! I really like the concept of a root beer float, though, and it's one of those foods where I try it every once in a while, only to remember that I dislike it. I might have to try a coke float sooner or later.
Somehow I was determined to be allergic to it as a child. I have no clue how that works, but I'm not too bothered by it nowadays since I stopped drinking pop altogether a few years ago anyway.
I try not to drink pop anymore, but yes, I do love root beer. Though I try to stay away from the one that has caffeine in it. Can't remember which brand it was.
That's crazy to me. I've seen lots of people that don't like it. I always thought it was disgusting myself; I won't drink it in any way, shape, or form.