Do you like time traveling?

Pyrate Yoster said:
Time traveling is for impatient people who cannot earn bells and items the correct ways. Plus it kills the game's worth.

Play the game the way it was meant to be. Time traveling back a day to not miss a holiday or something is okay, but when you do things like TT forward a week to grow fruits or holidays that havent even happened yet, that is not a fair way to play the game.
Fair? Kills worth? Meant?

I do not see how it's unfair....
I payed for the piece of plastic, I wouldn't play AC if there was no TTing.
Who said it was "meant" to be played a certain way? AC is a VERY open ended game we with freedom of choice, It was not "meant" to be played any certain way.
ryudo_dragoon said:
Pyrate Yoster said:
Time traveling is for impatient people who cannot earn bells and items the correct ways. Plus it kills the game's worth.

Play the game the way it was meant to be. Time traveling back a day to not miss a holiday or something is okay, but when you do things like TT forward a week to grow fruits or holidays that havent even happened yet, that is not a fair way to play the game.
Fair? Kills worth? Meant?

I do not see how it's unfair....
I payed for the piece of plastic, I wouldn't play AC if there was no TTing.
Who said it was "meant" to be played a certain way? AC is a VERY open ended game we with freedom of choice, It was not "meant" to be played any certain way.
I almost broke my neck trying to get this game. >_<
I time travel somtimes, very rarely.

i do it when tom nook's store gets bigger or maybe there is a special day, like fishing tourney, and i think im going to win, THEN maybe i TT to 6 p.m to get my reward.

or if christmas eve is one day forward, maybe, cause i can get my friend over to play when something is happening.

but i try to not TT...
its hard...
and sometimes i tt some hours to get a song from K.K.
Truthfully, even after I started a time travelling club, I'd rather just wait for events to happen than just time travel to them. It makes things less exciting.
I used to time travel, but i don't anymore. It made my game boring. That is why i started a new town.
Now that i have time traveled a lot, i don't reccomened it because it ruins the fun of the game. It is better to wait for things to happen
Tyler said:
Now that i have time traveled a lot, i don't reccomened it because it ruins the fun of the game. It is better to wait for things to happen
Its true, so I only time travel if I missed a holiday or turnips on sunday morning. :O
Tyler said:
Now that i have time traveled a lot, i don't reccomened it because it ruins the fun of the game. It is better to wait for things to happen
Some people are impatient though =P But whatever, that's their deal/problem =)

- Mickey
Did it once for Halloween, wont do it again cause I TT'ed and got lots of weeds and cockroaches >.>,And tons of ppl moved >_< .
Mickey said:
I haven't and probably will not. Atleast not on my own game.

- Mickey
I scratch this statement. I had Time Traveled, once or twice though. I don't want to get friendly with this type of 'glitch' or 'feature', whatever you want to call it.

I Time Traveld to purchase Turnips for the Stalk Market.
coffeebean! said:
I only do one day at a time, and/or change the time.
same fo meh! :D

i like to TT it makes things go faster so i don't have to wait ^_^
When Tom nook remodels his store or my house I just HAVE to TT
Dunno y, I just get excited
I've never time traveled. I can be patient, the game is much more fun when you play it the way it was meant to be played. I don't see anything wrong with going back a couple hours or something just in case you missed something, but I'm home schooled so I get to most of the events. I don't think anyone should time travel by months and years and stuff, it really ruins the fun of Animal Crossing.