Do you like time traveling?

I'm not really a fan of time traveling or time travelers.
I find waiting for it and playing the game like real life fun. Maybe, because Sundays I buy turnips and everyday see if I could get a large profit from it, but maybe others find it fun for a different reason.
I only time-travel when I'm planning a party to get sparklers and stuff and for the catalog.
For: Trees grow, Nooks restocks, catalog items come...
Against: Neighbors move, weeds (do not help my perfect town), flowers die, kinda cheating

I think its fine to time travel a tiny bit, one day or so. But I am against going in time, catching bugs/fish and bringing them back. My brother and I were having a contest to see who could get their museum most full (vs my cousin) My cousin tted and now has almost everything. Now when I ask him if we can tt to the night, he says "No I dont tt!!" But he does. Only if its for him (like to get a kk song/money...) So tting is not my thing