Do you like to read, and/or write creepy literature?

Nuh uh. I hate reading scary things. I have a vivid enough imagination to make it horrible for me, and I can never get the horrible pictures out of my head.
Some time ago I looked for books that would scare me, or at least leave me feeling uneasy, but sadly that never happened. Creepypastas are cool though.

The most disturbing reads I've had were about real events, the scary part is that they actually happened.
I looove reading horror novels but I'm terrible at writing scary stories. One of my favorite horror novelists is Grady Hendrix; he wrote a book called Horrorstor and it's about a haunted 'ikea' and it's so witty and spooky and makes a great commentary on capitalism, I highly recommend any horror heads to check it out.
Hehehe nevermind what I said earlier, I just submitted a horror story (albeit not the best) for an English exam. Ngl I think I wrote about 800-1,000 words in forty minutes, which is more than I've ever written in any one sitting lol
I don't like to read horror/creepy things at all. I get very easily disturbed - I start to imagine these disturbing things taking place and then worry about them happening to me or loved ones.
I don't necessarily like reading horror. But I have read a lot of Goosebumps books back in the day.

For writing, I have called myself writing some kind of story were a bunch of kids run into this house and are nearly killed by some werewolf-like was dumb (and poorly written).

I've written this thing when I was a teenager. lol
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No. The scariest thing I've ever read are goosebumps books which aren't scary in an actual scary way they're just scary in a fun way so I'm not sure if that counts
For some reason, I like to read and/or write some creepy literature, especially during Halloween.
I liked reading creepy things (but not necessarily horror) when I was a teen, but there wasn't much of that category at the library at that time. I think most of what I had access to with that was poetry.
Stuff I read today is nonfiction usually (and religious, however you want to categorize that).