Mystic Messanger is a mobile otome game, where the main character is a girl. Cool, that's fine. But it was really interesting to come across the fanfiction where the main character was a male. It's the exact same story, the author even wrote all the possible endings with the male protagonist who they built a whole back story for as well, so he wasnt just a stick in the mud, he had character and personlity. Some people in the comments were against the whole story because the main character was susposed to be female. Those other typical complaints too, if ya know what I mean. But in my opinion it was really interesting to read this version. Probably my biggest gripe with that game was how I couldn't be a guy. (Maybe you can now, I haven't played it in years) In games I prefer to be a male, as apose to a female, its just how I am. But yeah, I thought it was a really cool take. I wish you could do that in the game. A girl can dream, lol.
Dangaronpa has some really cool fan versions of it. People come up with their own Danganronpa plots, and make their own story, or even game out of it. "Danganronpa Another", most popular fan game, the creator even made a sequel. Same over all concept, and process. Completly different story, and characters. Another's Monkuma is actually a Crow in the sequel, which was a fun orginal take on the head master himself. But there are a ton of fangames and stories fans have made of their own Danganronpa. Its always impressive to see people make full blown flushed out games for them. Some people dont like that people do that for the same reason as the ones above. But its a passion, and drive fans have to make their own original game, or story for it. Me and my friend have our own Danganronpa, it's alot more fun then I thought it would be.
Im sure Hasbro never thought someone would write a fanfiction *My Little Dashie* about a person adopting, a lost filly Rainbow Dash. But they did, and its such a good fanfiction. Also sad. But soo cute. Some people didnt like it because of the concept of a pony getting sent to the real world, and of course the usual *Its a different story* complaint. But its so wholesome and sweet. It's even become one of the most popular, cozy, feel good, slice of life MLP fanfictions out there. As well as my personal favorite

I'd love if that happened to me, lol.
Ill stop there, but I could give a ton of examples. Sorry for getting carried away.