I'm wondering who here likes to remodel villager homes, and if you do, do you have a preference on remodelling their exteriors or interiors? Are there any specific villagers who you've enjoyed remodelling for, or couldn't wait to remodel when you unlocked the ability to do so, and why?
And for those that don't have the HHP DLC, do you wish you could remodel villager homes, and if so, same questions apply (which parts of the house would you remodel, what villagers, etc.).
I tend to remodel all of my villagers homes, though I've left/made minor changes to exteriors if I already like them. I even remodel villagers who are temporary if I like them enough because I find it fun to play around with. I was definitely most looking forward to remodelling Fang's house. If I recall, his exterior was fine and I believe I only made some minor tweaks, however his interior screams "old person" and it just wasn't doing it for me for how I write him in my lore, so I had to totally re-do his interior.
Sadly I don't have access to my switch for the next few days, but I may edit the OP/ post in this thread to show his before(default) and after when I am able to. Feel free to post pictures of your remodelled exteriors or interiors too, I'm really curious to know how other people decorate their villagers homes. 

I tend to remodel all of my villagers homes, though I've left/made minor changes to exteriors if I already like them. I even remodel villagers who are temporary if I like them enough because I find it fun to play around with. I was definitely most looking forward to remodelling Fang's house. If I recall, his exterior was fine and I believe I only made some minor tweaks, however his interior screams "old person" and it just wasn't doing it for me for how I write him in my lore, so I had to totally re-do his interior.