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do you listen to music on repeat?

do you shuffle or repeat music?

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rim tim tagi dim
Aug 11, 2020
Throwback Tickets
Green Heart Balloon
Balloon Dog
New Leaf Token
Green Crescent Moon
Lily of the Valley
Bluebird of Happiness Plush
Caustic Crystal
Dino Plush
Green Moon Jellyfish
Celeste Chick Plush
i was talking to my friends and found out that most of them repeat songs they like.

i personally dont because i get bored of the same song over and over and i like my music to change. what about you?
I never put songs on repeat because I get burnout from music very quickly. If I put any song on repeat I would get sick of it within twenty minutes. That’s why I stick to shuffle.
Occasionally I'll repeat a song if I'm really into it (or if it's considerably shorter than I prefer, but still really good). Most of the time though I put my songs on shuffle, although I may come back to one after listening to a few in between it. And when I do repeat a song, I usually only repeat it once or twice before moving on to something else—the only times I can think of where I've played the same song over and over for an extended period was when I was trying to distract myself from bad anxiety, ahaha. ;u;
If I’m really into the song I’ll have it on repeat for a while, but that’s rare. If it put it on repeat it’s one of those songs that just wows me. Most of the time I have pretty big playlists on shuffle that I’ll listen to. That way I don’t get bored of the same song over and over again.
I don't listen to the same song or album on repeat all the time (unless it's brand new) however I do find myself revisiting the same album or artist(s) more often than not because I find mainstream music to be incredibly mundane these days.
all the time. i always daydream while listening to music, so i listen to the same song over and over to match whatever scenario i’ve come up with lol. i do it most often when i’ve discovered a new favourite song, and i listen to it over and over until i become sick of it. i’ll also listen to different versions of the song once the original becomes boring — slowed + reverb, sped up, 8d audio etc. if i don’t have a new favourite song, i usually have a few songs that i’ll take turns listening to on repeat. once one song becomes boring, i move onto the next and the cycle continues until i’m bored of all of them. then i look for new songs to listen to on repeat.

the only times i listen to music on shuffle is when i’m doing something (cleaning my room, doing my makeup, drawing etc) while listening to music, or i’m in the car.
I listen on shuffle most of the time. I do have playlists depending on my mood so I can listen to the same types of songs, or I'll play an album or artist on shuffle if I want to be that specific.

The only time I might repeat a song is if it sparks some inspiration for a story or poem. Then I'll repeat it until I've finished the train of thought.
Guilty! I am that person who could listen to the same song on repeat for like a week straight. I'm usually listening to music when I'm walking or working on art. In the case of the latter, I kind of like having the same song going for the entire piece because it like, sets the mood of it?
There's certain songs I've got to listen to at least once a week, but in general I usually like to mix up what music I'm listening too. I like most genres of music so what I'm listening to changes a lot on a daily basis.

Like others said just depends on my mood what I listen too. Some days may be listening to metal and rap, and others I'll be listening to country and lofi hip-hop lol.
ALWAYS! Especially when I am studying or doing homework, I will keep it on loop until I am bored then I move on to another song and do the same! I mostly listen to music on Youtube or my 3DS anyways. Yes I downloaded hundreds of my favorite songs on my 3ds sd card
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I love listening to the same songs on repeat and tend to do often! What I actually do most of the time though, is since I don't really make playlists (I want to but I'm too lazy to curate) I just start playing music from the top of my spotify likes, and after it goes down a while I'll just start it back up from the top again so it's sorta repeating like that too. What's funny is that because I listen to music like this often, I'll anticipate or expect a certain song to play right after finishing one even if it's not related lol

and since I repeat songs/listen to the same ones for a while they tend to remind me of certain periods of my life which I think is pretty cool

But I do shuffle sometimes too!
If I find a new song I really like, I will play it on repeat until my playlist remembers I liked the song. There is nothing worse than liking a song, only for it to never show back up on your playlist!
Rarely. Only if I have just discovered something that I really enjoy...and then the max repeat is like 3 times. I don't really like shuffle either, because it never works properly and always ends up playing the same handful of tracks. So...I typically just take my phone out of my pocket and manually change the track from song to song. It can be tedious, but I'm VERY particular about what I want to hear at a given time.
if i really like a song (which happens at least twice a month), I'll play it on repeat for a while. Usually, I put my music on shuffle and let it land on something I want to listen to. once it gets there, I'll repeat the song a couple of times before going back into shuffle mode.