I don't since my copy of Wild World was on a r4 and the r4 completely died.
If I knew how good Animal Crossing was back then, I would have bought the cartridge but sadly I didn't
I actually traded Wild World for New Leaf, so I don't play that much...anyway, I did that because I heard that NL was much more complete a game compared to WW. I do like the original AC for Gamecube, though. That I still enjoy playing occasionally.
Nope, I seem to have lost interest in the other games now. Especially seeing as the connection has been shut off for all of the other ones. New Leaf is a huge improvement, and there's more to do so that I'm not bored of the game easily. I guess that's why I lost interest in the other ones.
That's not to say that I wouldn't play the other ones again.
If I still had PG I would check up on it (Need to get a new copy of that, lost it years ago), but CF I can't go back to. I visited it once or twice but I just can't go back.