Do you remember your starting five villagers?

My starters were Hazel and Jay on my very first island. On my current island, they were Sylvia, Curly, Sherb, Sandy, and Bangle. I still have Sherb, and I brought back Hazel! (And Jay for a little bit).
Starting Jock: Axel
Starting Sisterly: Plucky

Other Starters:
Starting Peppy: Ruby
Starting Normal: Alice
Starting Lazy: Drago

I'll only keep Drago and Ruby!
For me:
  • Bud
  • Rocket
  • Patty (Still around; never moved out)
  • Coco
  • Rex
And here's the photo I took with everyone together over 3 and a half years ago:

Resident Services Ceremony.jpg

It's so amazing how I keep thinking that this game came out only a few months ago, but it's now been well over 3 years. Time flies...
My starter Jock and Sisterly were Lyman and Mira; Lyman grew on me and I was a bit sad to see him go, but Mira I wasn't wild about, however she was stubborn and stayed on my island for ages 😅🤣

My starter Peppy was Audie, loved her immediately and still have her currently! 🥰
Starter Lazy was Rex, I also liked him and he was on my island for awhile before he parted, which was also bittersweet 🥹
Starter Normal was Annalisa, wasn't crazy about her either, but again was stubborn and stayed for forever lol
Lastly, my starter Smug was Ed, really didn't like him but he left not too long after 😅