I always listen when I have one thing to donate, but not when I have multiple things to donate. I love listening to Blathers talk. That is part of his character. I understand that some people get overwhelmed and bored, so they have to skip through a lot of text when having to donate to him. It did make him a hassle to deal with in past games, but I didn't like it when they removed that function in NL, because it took away from his character heavily and made him a bit boring. I like that we now have the choice to have him talk and I always like to hear what he has to say when given the chance.
I try to donate more than 1 item at a time so I can skip through it. But if I do only end up donating 1 thing, I end up listening to his explanation since I rarely must donate one and also I feel bad not listening to his explanation ;;
I love Blathers and his facts so much. I’ll even listen to his facts about the bugs even though they gross me out. I wish he’d discuss about the artwork; I know they have details in the exhibit but as a history enthusiast I’d love some history facts even if they are a little watered down. I’m not knowledgeable about art so I’d enjoy a little more detail about the paintings or sculptures in addition to what is mentioned at the exhibits.
ideally I want to listen to every fact that he shares, because I feel like I actually get to learn so much about bugs/fishes/fossils that I normally won’t learn about in books or just everyday life. However, there were definitely instances where I had to skip because I was in a rush...(yeah I don’t get a lot of time to play usually) sorry blathers!!
I’ve only skipped if I’ve heard his facts before (and even still if it’s a fish/bug/fossil I like I’ll relisten to him). I love that Blathers talks so much in these games as I’ve always been a nature nerd.
As much I like Blathers and his facts, I'm gonna be honest here, I do skip most of the time those. When I'm busy and working on my island, I kinda become impatient and don't wanna waste time at unnecessary things, so whenever I donating stuff to him, I skip his facts and run away once I'm done there. I do feel bad at that moment, because it's cute when Blathers gets excited and wants to talk to someone about it. I guess I will listen to his facts more often in the future, just to make that owl guy happy. :')