Do you talk to sable still?

Do you talk to sable?

  • Not since the start of the game

    Votes: 23 22.1%
  • Often but not always

    Votes: 18 17.3%
  • Every day

    Votes: 18 17.3%
  • Who?

    Votes: 6 5.8%
  • Occasionally

    Votes: 39 37.5%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
Aug 15, 2017
Tasty Cake
I haven't spoken to her in forever and she just told me about picnics she used to have in the cherry blossoms.
I never knew she had seasonal stuff to say.
i still talk to her every once and a while :) ive always loved her character and expanding her dialogue by getting to know her more. i think she could be the only character like that unless theres best friend dialogue i dont know about. i got the patterns from her right away when the game was realeased, so i dont have a reason to talk to her other than seeing her smile c: she always works so hard for her sisters 🙏 sometimes i just feel compelled to say hi (i didnt think any of the vote options fit me well, so i didnt vote)
i still talk to her every once and a while :) ive always loved her character and expanding her dialogue by getting to know her more. i think she could be the only character like that unless theres best friend dialogue i dont know about. i got the patterns from her right away when the game was realeased, so i dont have a reason to talk to her other than seeing her smile c: she always works so hard for her sisters 🙏 sometimes i just feel compelled to say hi (i didnt think any of the vote options fit me well, so i didnt vote)
I think I made room for you to vote :)
I do occasionally, just because. I don't really visit her store much, unless I'm looking for another villager.

It's nice having at least one character to talk to (outside of villagers)!
I haven't really spoken to her since she ran out of patterns to give me, but I might start chatting with her again periodically just as a nice gesture. I'm not usually one to get too invested in the characters in Animal Crossing games, but thinking on it, it does feel kind of rude of me to have gotten her out of her shell and talking and then just decide to stop interacting with her once she was no longer "useful." Especially considering that I tend to go into the Able Sisters' shop every day I play to check out their selection. Might not see much new dialog, but hey, it's only a few additional seconds.
I said "occasionally"...but, that's a stretch. I mostly stopped talking to her after I got the patterns. I still do it maybe once or twice a year...but, yeah...that's probably the bare minimum for "occasionally"
after getting all the patterns from her I pretty much stopped, but on the rare occasions I go into able's and don't just beeline straight for the changing room and leave straight away I'll say hi! she's a really sweet character so i feel bad totally ignoring her for months on end
I hardly ever talk to her anymore mostly because when I do visit the Able Sisters I don’t usually spend much time in there, generally I run straight to the changing room to see what’s on offer and then leave the shop so never really think of stopping to chat to her these days. Sometimes if I remember I’ll stop to say hello as she‘s a really sweet npc but that doesn’t happen often.
Not since I completed the clothing catalog. I'll go in and chat when new stuff is release and I have to enter the shop for though.
Everyday since the Gamecube version. She was my best friend back then, and I've never stopped loving her since. In every game I've talked to her until she had nothing left to say. I love her. 🖤
I talk to her once in a while but not enough 😢 I really do like her character a lot and she deserves visits but most of the time I don't go over there to chat with her

I usually would pay her a visit anytime I was using the design kiosk which wasn't very often but since that's sort of the back of the store / same area it was a good reminder to visit her. Of course now the design kiosk is now an app so that's one less chance to visit Sable...
I chose often, not always because sometimes I open the game after the able sisters' has closed (and sometimes I don't open the game at all). But when it's open I always say hi. I'm a shy person and I appreciate when people go out of their way to say hi or be nice to me so I hope saying hi to Sable makes her happy too.
I have not talked to her much at all since unlocking all the patterns she gives you... now I feel kind of bad. I wish more characters had as much backstory as those three. It would be great if they added some dialog between Redd and Tom Nook.
I still talk to her most days even though it's the same 4-5 lines of dialogue over and over. However, the other day I got a dialogue I hadn't gotten before where she said she was busy and couldn't talk. It caught me off guard. Not sure if this is something new? I haven't seen it again since, only the one day.


I still talk to her most days even though it's the same 4-5 lines of dialogue over and over. However, the other day I got a dialogue I hadn't gotten before where she said she was busy and couldn't talk. It caught me off guard. Not sure if this is something new? I haven't seen it again since, only the one day.

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weird. maybe your gate was open or you had visitors? idk if that prevents it but thats all i can think of..
I talk to her once every so often, but tbh I have been doing it less and less now. My character will walk in to buy some clothes, and leave without chatting to Sable like:

I sometimes feel guilty about it, but most of the time I simply forget to do it, and by the time I remember I just leave it because I don't want to have to go back into the tailors just to read a piece of dialogue i'd probably seen about 50 times before lol. Wish we could invite NPC's over to our house to chill out. I'd totally have the Able sisters over so we could watch some Scandi crime dramas together - they seem like the kind to be into that.