Do You Think AC:CF Was An Epic Fail For Nintendo?


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2009
Do you think AC:CF was an epic fail for Nintendo? Do you think they shouldn't have made it, but the game is okay? Or do you think it's an awesome game? Personally, I think it's an awesome game.
It's an awesome game. For people complaining about it being more of the same, then don't play Animal Crossing, it isn't the game for you >_>
it is a good game the should have added more new stuff like maybe a new store in your town and not the city i mean nooks is like running the entire town
hmm i would say it is a great game personally only gripe friends list are so small limiteing how many you can have
No, but I think you're starting to get on my nerves.
Jk but no it isn't an EPIC FAIL.
i voted the game is ok, but they really shouldn't have made it because the game is just a repetitive version of the others with on-line capability that the gamecube should have had. with the fact that the gamecube version wasn't on-line, i guess it's ok... but this seriously needs to be the absolute last animal crossing they make unless they're going to make some drastic changes to it. they need to make it worth the money to buy a new game, and not just a upgrade that feels like we're pressured to buy.

i know some people that were in LOVE with wildworld, and a lot of the players on this community love it more than city folk/let's go to the city. those people, to continue enjoying the game on-line, need to get this game, which is just a glorified remake to keep continuing the game because the player base of wildworld is going to be moving here.

really shouldn't have been made... but nintendo needed their christmas game/money.
idk if its the same of GC or WW cuz is my first one :p soo is an EPIC WIN for meh!!
your an epic fail for making this topic :mad:


I like it, it could've been better, but it's still good.
I think it's a great game. I like the fact is isn't necessary for you to have played the other two games in order to pick up on the game play in this one. It brings in a whole new generation of AC-ers. Which is awesome! <3

I love, AC:CF. Definitely not fail, in my opinion.