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Do you think it's too easy to make bells?


give the goblin some gold
Apr 1, 2013
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I apologize if this thread has already been made, I couldn't find one myself.

I found that, especially in comparison to Wild World, it is unusually easy to make many bells in a short amount of time. I didn't think of it too much until I got access to the island; an unlimited supply of abundant fish and bugs spawning endlessly on a tiny square of land.

If that isn't enough, grabbing as much fruit as you want from minigames is another option, letting players fill their baskets before they make a trip back home for profit, rinse and repeat.

I do think the island is very cute and a fun idea. I just wonder if taking advantage of and giving in to temptation for such good fortune in bugs, fish and fruit will eventually cause me to lose interest in the game faster than I would otherwise. I plan to limit my island visits to prevent this.

Do you think it's too easy to make bells? If you do, does the island have anything to do with your opinion?
I don't think it's too easy at all. Public works projects and the enormous (over 7 million bell) mortgage balance it all out.
A bit. then again, i've never had much trouble with money in this game. I love playing the stalk market and it's rare that I don't at least break even.
I think that while it is A LOT easier to come across bells (rare fish being less rare, the free foreign fruit, more common bug/fish catches, selling ores to animals for 6-10k everyday, money rocks worth 7k), there are a lot more things to do with those bells! I have been completing the bigger public works every day though.. hmm.. I don't know. but I love it so far!
I don't think it's too easy at all. Public works projects and the enormous (over 7 million bell) mortgage balance it all out.

These are my thoughts precisely. You're making way more bells because you are needing to spend way more bells. I can't figure out how people are saving so much money. I just squeaked by today after 3 trips to the island, two during the day and one night trip, paying off my loan from Nook plus paying for my new Cobblestone Bridge in full.

ETA: Not to mention all the new stuff you can do with your house, now including all the exterior renovations that can be done.
I have thought about that too, but like the above posts, there is a good reason to make much more easily compared with Wild World, because of the sheer amount of bells you will need to spend. If we made about as much money as we could in previous video games, we'd be tearing our hair out because it would just take forever to pay things off!
I have like 1,000,000 in my bank account, and that's with me funding my PWP and mortgages all in the same day I start them.

Bellz = 2 e z
I was starting to think it was but I'm happy with the pace, there'll be lots of projects that'll need funds soon enough!
I think they meant to put the island solely for the easy bells. And plus they wanted to add a little extra something to do with your friends, and it's pretty fun. I'm worried that NL might get repetitive and boring after a while, but that wasn't the case for me with Wild World, I replayed the game manyyyy times and it doesn't have nearly as many features as New Leaf has.

And personally I'm not as ahead in the game as my friends so I think the island is really helping. I don't even have one public works project done yet lol.
At first, I was thinking "Hah, making money is so easy. Just buy everything and be happy."
Then you start getting to paying off your house, creating new things for the town, and having to pay 20,000 bells every time you want to change the ordinance and you start to think "Man, looks like I'll need all the money I can get. Between funding projects, paying off my mortgage, and buying things I want, this money will definitely come in handy."

It subtly adds in the reality of running things and the difficulties that can come with it, and I just love it. Even if you can do it at your own pace, it's still kinda cool.
Considering how I fully intend on having 4 maxed out player houses in my town, I'm going to need 30,383,200 bells just for that, not counting the furniture, exterior design on said house, and all the public works projects, I am totally against the idea that bells are too easy to make. Sure, it may seem like it's possible to make a lot of bells, but we just started. It'll even out down the line.
I've made none yet!! I started after midnight last night so everywhere was shut and Isabelle kept trying to make me go and see someone who was sleeping so I couldn't get any further with her in terms of getting tools. Now I see Re-Tail isn't open until 9am so I'll have to wait until I can sell these shells and cherries!

But I am looking forward to making the money and upgrading my house so I can get a wardrobe or something in there!
Sure it's easier to make them than in previous games, but there are so many public works projects and sooooooo much mortgage to pay on your house that it sort of balances itself out, y'know?
Bells are easier to come by. To counteract this, the devs instilled tons of items to purchase & numerous town improvements to finance & build.

There's so much content, I rather welcome an easier method to procure Bells.
I don't find it too easy. But then again, I don't really spend a lot of time making money. I like to run around like a crazy person.
No. If there were only your house expansion, then it would be too easy. But with the expensive house expansions, the upgrades you can do to the outside, and all of the public works, you NEED a lot of money in this game. I think Nintendo made it easier on purpose to balance things out.