Do you think resetti is annoying?

Nope, he's actually one of my favorite NPCs in the game.

He's just so hilarious when he's angry, with classic lines such as..."STOP..JERKIN..MAH...CHAIN!".
No he's pretty mellow in New Leaf. I like him and his brothers antics in this game, plus getting their pictures is cool.
I actually find his character entertaining, it's just the mechanics of plot-resetting are such a pain to deal with. If zoning was possible I'd definitely build the Reset Center and reset just to see him come out, like I did in previous games.
I think he's hilarious. The angrier he gets the more hilarious he is... and he holds me back like 5 mins to chew my ear off but it's not even a punishment as he just makes me laugh the whole time...
hes cool but he has to deal with all these dumbass kids who quit without saving, so duh he's going to come off as 'mean' and 'annoying' (probably only to those who upset him in the first place)
hes just a mole trying to make a decent living
he has no time for annoying runts
Nah dude
He's cool and I don't really run into him often since I make it a point to save and quit often
I remember as a child when I played on gamecube he'd always make me repeat what he said and he wouldn't let me go until I repeat everything down to the punctuation mark
Kind of when I accidentally press "So I could restart" instead of "My batteries died" And have to sit their while I get beraided by Mr. Resetti but I do love when I get to visit him and his brother! I wish you get to see them more often down there though
I hated him in older ac games. My niece would always quite without saving. She was only six, so I would have to deal with resetti for her. I don't know if I would like him in new leaf. I have 5 towns and have never put in the center.
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He always thinks I'm trying to reset. I have a bad habit of saving and continuing or turning off my game after I just ended a session. I'm too lazy to save and quit after I just saved. I like his brother Don better.
No, I love Resetti. I wish he wasn't changed in New Leaf, he and Blathers had the best rants.

realize your mistake, nintendo, and change it back.