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Do you time travel?

Do you time travel?

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I play day-by-day, though I have time travelled a little bit to complete the gracies fashion check and for growing hybrids, couldn't wait to see what would pop up and if I missed K.K.s concert! But other than that I just play it slow and steady I guess, makes me feel a little off when I time travel too much, but it's such a handy way to get things for your town, if I was better at it I would have made my town a bit better and stuffff x3
i time travel a lot. i hate waiting for something to be done in the next day when i can just get it completed by time travelling.
I played the game "pure" for over a year with no time-travelling (and no item trading either). But finally i got sick of waiting for Redd to show up with new art sales, started ordering shop items for trade and needed to accelerate to mail delivery time, and away i went...!
I "time travel" in the sense that I don't always have time to play NL every day. I will turn the clock back to play catch up when I'm able to play again.

The fact that the game expects you to play every day is, and will always be, my only real issue with the AC series. I try to set aside time for it every day, but I'm not always successful.
I time travel, but it's day by day. I restarted my new town back to the original date that I got the game, August 25th, 2013, so I'm just catching back up to present day. I'll likely keep TTing, to get my dream villagers, and to get that darn weed-pulling badge. Ugh.
I used to play day-by-day but i didn't play for a few weeks so now i have to work myself back to the current day (i don't want to time travel in a bulk, i want to play every day but just quicker lol)

In my second town I time travel all the time but my main town has been a bit more time travel free... up until now... smh
It's interesting to hear everyone's reasons as to why they TT or play day by day. Very interesting.

I will add, though I play day by day, that I never feel "pressured" to play. AC is part of my daily routine. I wake up, do what I have to do, have breakfast, sort out lunch for later and then sit and play for an hour or so. Then I put it down and pick it up randomly thought the day whenever I feel. I never feel like I have to play it the next day if something comes up or my shift pattern at work changes or anything. I just slot in some play time whenever I am able to.
I only recently started time traveling. I really wanted to get the creepy set from Halloween so I time traveled. Before that though, I never had. Now I do it because if I want to trade with someone and they want to check out my T&T Emporium. It's stressing me out in terms of turnips though. My town is now on Thursday and I'm trying to sell my turnips and get some kind of profit. :(
Never got the point on a handheld why it's necessary. People are like "well there's timed events". Yeah, but it's on a HANDHELD it can GO WITH YOU EVERYWHERE. Plus, they have shifted the times too like with the ordinances where shops open/close at earlier/later times. The whole point of using the clock is so it's a "real time" game. Changing it originally was because the 64 didn't have a way to continue the clock once the power went out, so you'd have to adjust it. After that, it's not needed now as you can still adjust your system clock to do the same thing. Cheat all you want, it's your game, but me personally, I'll never do it, that's why I love this series on handhelds, I never have to worry about missing an event, I pull it out of my pocket, do the event, save, end, boom, done!
It's true you can take a handheld everywhere, but that doesn't mean you always have time to actually use it. I only had a few minutes for my first Toy Day on my way back home because I spent the evening celebrating actual Christmas with my family. And I didn't have any time at all for the Harvest Festival, which is why I played it one day in advance. (Also, when missing a day can mean a villager moves out, you sometimes need to play more than one AC day in one RL day to catch up.)

I've been neglecting Skyvale for over a year, so I'm slowly traveling back to the present while making sure I keep my villagers and their friendship levels. And my Escarlet characters needed girl hairstyles, so I TTed to unlock everything I needed for that.
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I play day by day but I have time traveled and I will is I absolutely need to for some reason, but I don't constantly do it.
Used to, but I don't touch the clock anymore. I just like knowing I've never fiddled with it in a certain town.
I will TT if I am trying to get a villager to move out or if I am expecting one to move in. Also, if I become too busy to play one day, I will TT to the day I missed and play until I am all caught up. :3
I TT when I need to. I'm trying to play without touching the time now, though. When I first got the game, I was making 12, 14, 16 hours a day non-stop during my entire winter break (one month where I live), and even after going back to college, I was doing 9 hours. I played non-stop, because every time I didn't have anything else to do, I would TT hours ahead or jump to the next day.

My point is, unless I take preventable measures, animal crossing consumes my life and as much as I wish I could keep doing that, I can't. Avoid TTing is one of these measures.
Rarely. I've done so in very small increments and it was great but I don't like to mess with the clock too much. I think the most I've done is about a day?