Does anyone else feel a little... uninspired?

winter is 100% my favorite season in animal crossing (and also irl) and almost always will be. I do wish I could see blankets of snow over more of my furniture outside, as it stands I'm pretty much decorating with trees/flowers/fencing because it's the only stuff with that nice lil blanket of snow.

I intend to TT and stay in winter for quite some time, only venturing out for events and whatnot, but that's probably just me being weird haha
I am loving the festive stuff, but not a big fan of the ice furniture. It's just really ugly.
My in game time is a little behind so I don't have snow on the ground yet! Winter looks really pretty in NH to me, because the trees turn into a very frosty mint color and i think it looks soo lovely (also in contrast to NL, when during winter the trees turn into a very dead brown tint). It probably helps that I only use white flowers and have mostly wood furniture outdoors so the neutral colors quite blend in in snow. I don't intend on going full out for the festive decors but I cannot wait to play in wintertime (in game)!
winter has got me second guessing all my already designed and decorated areas of my island, haha. it doesn't look very nice and I don't want to decorate more because I don't like the way it looks. So at the moment I'm focusing on other things to do in the game, like collecting seasonal DIYs.
i have been feeling the exact same way with the colors on my island. i have a more natural theme for my island and i’m using “the path”. my island looks so boring right now! it’s just a lot of brown, white, and some stone to contrast. i really do miss the green. when i watch videos on youtube with islands in the southern hemisphere it makes me miss the spring/summer so much!
I do miss the summer, but I am also liking the snow a lot. I am surprised, I did not think I would like the snow and would be very tired of it. I have completely changed everything, though. None of my old flowers or paths looked right, so I have basically redone almost all of my island. I did not enjoy fall, especially towards the end, nothing looked right to me. And I have never experienced spring, so I am excited about that!
I think the snow looks pretty, but given it lasts til February I will get tired of it. Holly bushes look good in the snow, I got a bunch of them. I haven't done much decorating tbh. I'm no good at it really. I put out 1 illuminated tree, 1 festive tree and 2 3 tier snowmen, In my house I have the festive wreath on the door, big festive tree stockings and snow globe inside. that is it. i'm not really into christmas either. I have been concentrating on getting the diys and working on my house interior. Before nh i just put various furniture sets in each room but this time I decided to make it like a real house(bedroom,bathroom,livingroom,laundry,kitchen and rec room in the basement). Considering how bad i am at decorating i think it looks pretty good.
While the snow with all the colorful flowers is highly unrealistic, I do enjoy it. If I'm feeling uninspired it's because I'm running out of things to do. I've got infrastructure set and a lot of villagers I like. To make an exciting change would be to reset but that would mean losing some great DIYs.
I havent experienced the winter time yet as I am in the South. I kind of regretted choosing Southern Hemisphere (despite me actually living down under) because I wanted snow in the winter. Though after reading this I am happy with my decision- right noe it is spring time for me! I love the spring, though I am still practically laying down the foundations of my island anyway.
I really like winter in AC. I love the snow and how it reflects in certain light and especially the "crunch" of the snow. I feel that once January comes winter will get monotonous. Snowflakes hovering won't get any reaction from me since I'll have hundreds in my storage. February will have Pave and possibly a Valentines event. So I feel that I will lose interest after New Years. For the time being I have been redecorating and de-flowering (a constant battle) and so my time isn't too wasted.
I don't feel this way with winter, yet. In past games, I used to get tired of winter immediately after the New year's event but I hope it won't happen with New Horizons. I think I'll spend in-game winter by decorating my island with the frozen set DIYs. I usually change the decorations I placed on my island every once in a while to try out new combinations and furniture pieces, so, for now, I don't think I'll experience the same feeling I had in past games about winter. :)