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Does anyone else feel bad...


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Jul 29, 2013
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When letting a villager move? Even if you wanted them gone?

Mott is moving out in two days and even though he's not that cute, I already have a jock personality in my town, and I'm giving him to a friend, I still feel kind of sad seeing him go! I've taken a bunch of pictures of his house and the villagers in my town talking about him. :c Does anyone else get all sentimental about their moving villagers?
Lionel made me cry.
He told me to never stop dancing. .-.

I'll find a picture later.

EDIT: Here

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I was a little sad when I let Annalise move, but I gave her to someone where she was a dreamie at, so that felt better. I even got to visit her again :p

But I never felt bad letting anyone go.
I felt really bad when I let Pierce and Frita move out.

But when Canberra, Tammi, Rasher, and Quillson moved out, I was actually really, really happy. Now if only I could get Alli to move out, too...
If I really hated them, I jump in joy when they move.
But if it's someone cute but they're not a dreamie of mine, I get really hesitant to let them go.
Ruby just moved out yesterday. She sent me a letter saying: she'll miss us a lot, but that's OK because she'll always be in our hearts.

///brb crying
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I am always sad when I see a villager move because regardless of my relationship with them, ultimately I've got to know them and it'll probably the last I see of them for a very very long time ; ^ ;

sorry am I the only one who treats villagers like little friends?
I felt a little bit bad when I let Jay go...
Though apart from him, I wasn't really that attached to any of the other villagers who've left.
I will forever be saddened by Rodney leaving. I should've stopped him when I had the chance.
No, not really. :l

They just come back and shop in Main Street eventually. :v
I am always sad when I see a villager move because regardless of my relationship with them, ultimately I've got to know them and it'll probably the last I see of them for a very very long time ; ^ ;

sorry am I the only one who treats villagers like little friends?

Nope, I treat everyone fairly as the same as everyone else. I can't leave anyone alone and ignored.
I'll be sad to see Freckles go when she leaves on the 8th. I don't really like her too much, but she was 2nd to give me her picture and I sent her loads of letters and everything. I don't know, there's just something about that damn duck I'll miss.
I was thinking of letting Elise leave, but I really wanted to get her picture as well. I initially said that she could go, but then I changed my mind. That entire time, all the other villagers were all so worried and asked me to stop her. And every time I told Elise to go ahead with her move, she would say something like, "Thank you so much for saying that it's okay! Let's spend a lot of time together for my last few days here."

I'd honestly never let anyone leave, but I'm desperately looking for two dream villagers as well. I just get attached too easily, so I'm not looking forward to the day when I'll actually let her go. ._. I'd feel better if I knew that she would be adopted by someone who'd take care of her, but no one wants Elise! Or Benedict for that matter, who's also in the same boat. Ugggh.
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I was sad to let Zell go but I gave him to a loving village; I hear he has a girlfriend now =p
Cranston is supposed to leave on the 8th, I don't know if I am ready for him to move out or not but I would like to build a bridge near his house area but I can't because he lives so close to where the bridge needs to be. I really like him but I can handle him leaving....I think....
Definitely, especially villagers I held onto for a long time. (Annalisa) ;___; <3
She gave me her picture though. I KNEW WE HAD A BOND.
It's gonna make me REALLY depressed when Coach/Dotty have to go. They've been here since the beginning,
but neither of them are my dreamies. T_T
That's why I always reserve my villagers who I plan to move out
I've only had 1 villager move and that was Al.
I don't feel bad at all because he made half my villagers wear his weird red shirt, and he creeps me out o-o
all the time :c i'm extremely sentimental, even though i already have all of their pictures.
I was glad to see Twiggy go, but her letter was a heartbreaker. Something like, I'm scared now. What if I'm making a mistake? Will you come with me? Well, I know you can't. Wish me luck". Paula too. Hers ended with, "Remember me". Thanks a lot, game programmers.
Not yet, though I've only let two move out and I really disliked both of them. I plan to let go of two others I do get along with later and it's already making me feel really bad but oh well.