🏝️The Mistfall Journals🏝️

Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2013
Hot Heart Balloon



On March 2020, three new villagers by the names of Anthony, Tammy, and Bill founded the Island of Mistfall along with the help of Nook Inc. Mistfall is named for the many waterfalls located throughout the upper region of the island. After the naming ceremony, Anthony has been declared the Resident Representative.


~As of April 20th, 2022~
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After many years of doing mayoral work on Celestia, Tom Nook approached Anthony with a new offer; islands.
After many years on towns, Nook knew the next step was to venture out to islands. As Nook couldn't explore
islands for this opportunity, he allowed Anthony to in his stead. Anthony could not have been more thrilled.
He was so excited, he packed his bags and left without notice, leaving Isabelle to unexpectedly assume
mayoral duties for the time being while the villagers were left wondering about Anthony's whereabouts.

Anthony spent years exploring islands, trying to find the perfect one for Tom Nook.
When Anthony came across this very island, he returned home for one last time. As his last duty as Mayor, he
reassigned duties over to the next Mayor, whoever that may be, left a notice about Tom Nook's new venture and
welcomed anyone to follow. A few friends soon did follow as everyone believe island living would be a fresh take on a new life.

As Anthony waited for his friends to move to the island, he first met Tammy and Bill at the airport.
Anthony was the first to step on the island and the rest is history.


~In order from Recent to Past~






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And... We're Open!
More will be filled in later, but I think I got the basics down :)

I haven't put an update yet, so here's the latest on Mistfall;
  • Although all bridges and inclines have been completed already, two had to be removed and replaced since they were slightly off of what I wanted. Tomorrow will mark the final completion. Easy access throughout the island once again!
  • Breeding flowers have been pretty much nightmarish. At first, hybrids were everything and I organized everything. I really didn't have a plan on what to do for flowers yet, so I was just breeding for what I thought I'd like.
    • As of this moment, I have planned which flowers will be at each of the villagers houses (there's a lot of combos here).
  • Gulliver finally visited yesterday after managing to not fall off the boat again for weeks. He gave me an alpinist hat, the best gift so far since everything else I wasn't a fan of.
  • I've caught plenty of new bugs and saved 3 Birdsongs for Flick for whenever he visits again.
  • There was also a meteor shower and I completed the Nook Miles task for Wishing. I completed 200-300 wishes, whichever the amount was to complete the last part of the task.
  • Still no camper, looking for the next one.
  • Turnips were roller coaster this week, ended up selling on another island.
  • Expanded my house and now I have the upper floor which will be my bedroom.
    • Due to this, I have changed my home's exterior. It's nice for now, but I feel I'll probably change it after the final expansion.
  • Last but not least, listened to K.K. Slider. Now I have all 3 secret songs :)


Isabelle informed me we have a new visitor in the campsite today and it was Chief! I wasn't sure if I really wanted him on my island, but he was a better alternative to the current Cranky I had, Del. It took over an hour to convince Chief to negotiate with Del but it was done. Chief is now moving in while Del is moving out! It's been fun with Del, but he wasn't really the right fit for the island. It's better to have him on another island where he can fit in. (Update: Del is moving to the Island of Soup! Another Islander has reached out in hopes to offer a home on their island. Hope all goes well Del!)


Here's how my house currently looks. I obviously have a lot of red going on. I may possibly change this one I have a clearer idea on what to go for, but I just wanted to change the overall look once I could.

I bought turnips at the price of 98 bells and my prices today were 120 and 49 (I think 49 was correct). Based on estimations, it doesn't look like a good week so I'll probably have to go hunting for a good price. I'm hoping to make big that will cover my loan for the upper floor and the next loan for the basement afterwards.


Wanted to share the newest photo being added to the Photo Album.


Also, I had the first artwork for my island rep today! This was made by @SinnerTheCat . Thank you so much!
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Nothing much happened today for my own island.
This afternoon when I visited my sister's island, we were surprised that Nook's Cranny was currently buying turnips for 539 each. I went back home and grabbed all my turnips to sell. I made over 8 million bells today most likely. I shared the profits as well. I used some of this to pay my current loan and expanded my house to have the basement.

Del has officially move out but Chief will be moving in tomorrow. It does feel a little different without seeing Del around anymore though.

Lastly, when I was done for the day, I ran into Wisp and helped him find the spirits that were scared away. I took me about a half hour since the last one was pretty much avoiding me. He gave me a sewing machine for my help.

Well, it looks like I forgot to post here for a while and it is time for an update!

First things first, taking off from the last post, Chief has officially moved in and doing well in the island's community. He's surprisingly became a favorite and I added him to the list of Dreamies. I usually find him singing around the island and last night, caught him singing in front of the moon. I took a picture and showed it on Reddit where it quickly became quite liked:
It was quite a surprise!

Earlier last week, the Nooklings were buying turnips at the high price of 569 bells per turnips. I was super excited that I finally got a high price, but super bummed that it happened the week I decided to not turnips at all. Instead, I shared the opportunity with many others to sell so they could their profits in.

I finished paying off the final loan and now I am completely debt free! Tom Nook offered to do house renovations for free every time I wanted to change something. As a reward for paying off the final loan, I decided to change up my house once more:

It's something I like a little bit more than the previous design but I am hoping that more design options arrive sometime in the future. It does look nice though!

It was also Museum Day on the island and I quickly did the Stamp Rally in exchange for some cool prizes. I did take a photo opportunity with some really good lighting in one of the rooms.

On a smaller update, I finally shot down 300 balloons and waited a week or so before finally finding the golden balloon which held the golden DIY for the slingshot. Couldn't help myself but do another photo op to mark this occasion.

Lastly, I have been hard at work decorating around the island and laying down paths. I'm currently working on flowers and in a bid to move things along, I opted gathering flowers from other representatives who already had spare hybrid flowers needing to be planted on another island. Due to all of this effort, Mistfall is now a 4 star island! So close to 5 stars! Once areas are finally near completion, I'll start sharing more pictures of the areas!

Oh, I almost forgot! I got more art submitted in the the gallery (credits tot Kelpy and Kookey)!

Well, it's been another couple of weeks and I think it is time for another entry in the journal.
While the town is still under a lot of progress, sections of been getting completed one by one. One of my favorite areas right now is very simple, but very nice. I won a Moon as part of a giveaway package and not really knowing what to do with it, I placed it on of the rocks at the beach. Since I thought it looked nice, I covered with with more stars. When the night comes around, it looks really nice.

When I heard about the upcoming wedding season and how it involved the photo studio, I wanted to try it out first since I really haven't used it at all since the beginning. I have visited it once before, but never really used it until now. I made a really comfy room and invited everyone and we had some "fancy" gathering party. We didn't know what we were doing, but it was really fun. Perhaps I should start using the studio more often?

While trying to catch all the new fishes that came around into this month, I have been working on gifts to give to my favorite villager. It only took a couple of days, but Rudy finally gave me his photo. I immediately ran back to my house and placed it on a table. I'm working on getting Julia's photo next, but she is taking a bit longer. I'm sure she'll give it in a couple of days!

Other than preparing for the summer heat, I have been planting the various fruits I have been holding onto since Day 1. There is now an orchard right next to Resident Services (seems like an odd place, but it really works!). It looks nice and I really like having it on the island. I'm not sure if I'll need the fruits but it is nice to have.

(Tip: I took this photo while moving from angle to angle on the camera app! I didn't like how the picture looked in the given angles so I timed it to capture this picture!)

None has moved out yet but there were a few asks. Bill and Lopez has asked to make and I declined for them. While I am planning on letting Bill go, now wasn't the time for him. Lopez is my only smug right now and I haven't decided who would replace him, if someone was going to do. Until I make a decision, Lopez is here to stay.

A new photo has been added to the album:

I couldn't help, but take a photo op at the beach during the sunset. It looked so pretty.

As the season changed, I'm also in new outfit which I shared in the Islander Info section (it isn't the straw hat/pineapple shirt outfit). Feel free to check it out!
As an update that was meant to be added last night but is now being put in, a new piece of art has been submitted to the island's art gallery! Thank you EpicDoodle!


Well, it looks like I sort of forgot about this, oops..

Anyhow, let's start from the beginning after the last update over a month ago.

Zucker moved out and the island threw him a little party and Ozzie moved in afterwards. Julia then gave me her photo a couple of days later. Now I have the photos of my 2 permanent villagers. (Small Update: Chief is no longer a dreamy not permanent villager. He was cool at first, but I realized he'll probably won't stay long as I planned).

Tammy moved out after Zucker and Pashmina moved into her place last week. Its been a while before anyone asked to move. Bill is now the only original villager of the first 2 left on the island.

With the new update, of course there was some swimming, diving, and meeting Pascal and Gulivarrr. I only met Gulivarrr once and Pascal a couple of times. I caught all the sea creatures I can catch for now, and I'm excited to try again next month for the new ones.

And the Campsite is mostly complete! I think I just need to add more flowers and then it's done!

And enjoy some extra photos!



And lastly, a new piece was added to the art gallery, made by Hzl!