Does anyone else feel this way?


Sep 20, 2013
Does anyone else feel envious when they see a group of friends hanging out and having a great time, knowing they will never have the same experience? I want to make friends, but it is difficult for me with my trust issues. I am also not that great at conversations, in my opinion, so the other person ends up becoming bored and leaving when they find someone better. As much as I would love to experience that, I also love spending time alone and being by myself, so it is not so bad.

Can anyone relate?
yes very much so. Even though i do have friends, I've already ruined my relationship with them because I distanced myself. They seemed so much closer with each other and I just didn't really belong. I missed out on so many hang outs when we were younger and they have many of the same interests. They say they love me and miss me but idk I can't believe it. I'll never really have that one best friend that I can share everything with and feel 100% comfortable around.
I’ve felt that way my entire life.

I always hated the way people formed groups and cliques, and while I had good best friends and people to talk to online throughout my life, I’m just thankful I have my six year best friend that I’ve known since the beginning of private high school. Other than that, I don’t really have any other friends. Most of the guys at university are just “acquaintances,” and forget being friends with girls IRL because I grew up being “reticent” around women. Honestly, there was a time when I was 13 or so and had no friends at all, and I wanted to die, but even after people leave I’m just glad I’m still here. The sad truth is that people just come and go in life, and usually friendships are just temporary. Though I cannot imagine not being friends with my best friend. He’s younger than me, but he’s so mature, smart, and strong for his age. In fact, he is probably the strongest person I know.

EDIT: Being born with Aspergers has not helped out, but I changed myself to become 50% introverted/50% extroverted. Even so, most of the extroverted stuff is either with family, family friends, or just acquaintances...
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I was born with autism, but I really try not to let that bother me. I always feel like people think of me differently me because of my disability, but I am no different from anyone else. I still have the same capabilities and am able to perform the same tasks as others. At a young age, I had trouble with communication and making friends with my other classmates, so much that my school called my parents and told them to have me examined for a disability. It was way back in kindergarten, so it didn’t really bother me too much back then. I always thought people saw me differently at school for whatever reason, because I was the outcast my entire childhood. I have been to two school districts. Everyone in my first school district bullied me, even the teachers. The second school district wasn’t too bad, but I still experienced bullying to some extent. I was so happy to be graduated, just to escape it all. Now, I am twenty years old, and graduated from high school.

Most of my communication is done on the internet, although I do talk with people in person. It is definitely not enough for me to consider them my friend, though. One day, I hope to have the opportunities to meet some of my online friends in person. That is something I would love to experience.
hell yeah i do
even though i have a group of friends we hardly hang out and i always feel like the odd one out anyways
hell yeah i do
even though i have a group of friends we hardly hang out and i always feel like the odd one out anyways
Yep. That is me in basically every group I’m in. I feel like such the odd one out. It’s a crappy feeling to feel like an outcast. Even if I’m friends with the people in the group, I still somehow feel like the odd one out. This is pretty much why I prefer to hang out with myself and one other person. You can’t be the odd one out when there are just two of you. Although, it’s not really a group with two people...
Yeah, whenever I'm at the mall with my mom, I'll always see a group of teenagers walking around having a good time with their friends, and while that's something that I feel like I want with my friends, it honestly just isn't really our personalities. We're all a bit more introverted and prefer more of like a small get together where we play cards or something :v Lol
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Yeah, whenever I'm at the mall with my mom, I'll always see a group of teenagers walking around having a good time with their friends, and while that's something that I feel like I want with my friends, it honestly just isn't really our personalities. We're all a bit more introverted and prefer more of like a small get together where we play cards or something :v Lol
Yeah, that wouldn?t really be my personality either. I?m more introverted. I would much rather not hang out and party. The most I would do is attend a sporting event or a sports game with others, but that is about it. Other than that, I am not really that social.
how about I actually feel this way WHILE I am actually sitting with my group of friends because I always doubt myself and feel as if they're too cool for me or that I don't deserve them, it's a horrible feeling.
I used to feel that way, but I know I'll meet the right people eventually if I stay true to myself and the people who don't get me won't matter in the long run. I'm not envious of other people having good friends, I'm an introvert who loves to be by myself. I'm surrounded by people most of the week and I love when I can just be by myself on my freetime.

For me, the hardest part was being confident in myself. Nobody is interested in someone who isn't interested in anything. I often feel like I annoy people by talking too much about games and stuff, but they often find something they can relate to and we have a nice conversation about it. I also like listening to other people talk and relate to what they're passionate about.
I used to feel that way, but I know I'll meet the right people eventually if I stay true to myself and the people who don't get me won't matter in the long run. I'm not envious of other people having good friends, I'm an introvert who loves to be by myself. I'm surrounded by people most of the week and I love when I can just be by myself on my freetime.

For me, the hardest part was being confident in myself. Nobody is interested in someone who isn't interested in anything. I often feel like I annoy people by talking too much about games and stuff, but they often find something they can relate to and we have a nice conversation about it. I also like listening to other people talk and relate to what they're passionate about.
Yeah, my fear is thinking I’m either too annoying or too clingy; that drives people away. That is what prevents me from keeping friends for too long. I realize that some people are rude and that I never was the problem.
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No, unless I would actually know them and they are interesting I don't really see why I should be envious. I'd rather have fewer quality friends rather than vague large group of people friends anyway.
This can definitely relate to my old days in Year 7.
When I was in a group, I was just so... different. I was actually pretty poor as a child and my so called ?group of friends? would sorta tease me over a period of time to an extent where I?d be peer pressured by them. For example, I didn?t have a penny-board (anyone else remember that trend, haha?) so my friends would give me that look... if you know what I mean. And they?d be lowkey bullying me over me not having the penny-board, so when I went back home I begged my parents to buy it for me... and they were poor. In fact, they were in a financial crisis. I was crying when they kept rejecting my request for a penny-board, and they eventually bought it for me, even though they were almost bankrupt. Trends suck, you know? Well, to actually answer the question, one day I walked past a group where there was some kind of leader and they were all laughing with her and stuff. I really wished that was me, but I knew that I could never be a leader and have friends that?d laugh with me because I was poor. :-(

But in fact, what I said was false. Fast forward 10 years, and now I?ve found my happiness and my friends.
Instead of me being introverted and that group of friends being the ?top girls?, now I?m the successful one...
and those girls? Haha, they?ve gotten what they truly deserve. that sounds darker than I intended it to be haha
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I've always found this when I see groups... I have a small but very close group of friend who I game with and go to the movies with, but besides that I struggle to socialise. Since ove been at work I've opened up a bit but I find it so hard to start conversations, which is my issue. If someone starts a conversation with me it works fine but otherwise I'm really awkward... I suck at joining in on conversations because of this and end up hanging behind groups by myself which makes me really depressed :(

I actually move to socialise though, when I get into a good talk with a group I could talk for ages about different things.

I've also developed a really bad habit around people where I tend to mimic their personality. I honestly can't help it and I think it's to do with that want to be included. Like if someone has a certain saying or way of talking I'll end up mimicking them... I don't think anyone noticed though...