It's a good thing to make a habit of. Personally, I find I do better on tests when I don't study. I might want to change my habit as I'll be in university in a couple years.
Nah, I just didn't study full stop. Even in class I'd generally mess about. Anyway, I've unofficially left now (officially early June) and should have passed all the Highers (equivalent to A-level for England) I need.
I do now, just recently picked this habit up in college. I did terrible my spring semester & I'm trying not to let that happen again, so any chance to get ahead is something I'll take.
I do about half and half. I like to study things I'm interested in like music, and it will be especially helpful for me since I'm going to college to study piano performance and astrophysics this August.
I do plan on spending some of the summer just relaxing and enjoying myself, though. I'm hoping I can spend this summer fixing up an old 1971 VW Beetle.
It's a good thing yo do, but don't overdo it. You're not obligated to study over the summer but it can keep you up to par with what you learned in the last schoolyear so you're ready for the upcoming year.
i love the "Why would I even dare" option. XD
after school is over, school/homework/projects/studying... none of that exists for me. nope. idk what that is, all that and the definitions of that can stay in the school year zone.
Yes, I kind of have to because I have summer homework for the AP classes I'm taking next year. That's not to say I won't have any free time or fun things to do, it just means I have to spend my time more wisely over the summer.
no, it's good, i bet, but i spend the summer playing video games and relaxing. not only do i have school, but i have ballet year round, even in the summer. in the summer from 10-4, and it's boring as butt, and i get two weeks break. i spend all the break time just playing video games because i get no time generally.
Lol I don't study ever. jokes I do like 3 times a year, it's rare
Is that actually a thing in America though? You have to do stuff over summer holidays? I mean I guess I understand because you have like 3 months off but what lmao.