Does anyone even play Wild World?

Kamiko_Cullen said:
Nixie said:
Well, I still play it cause Moe's in my town ^_^
Same here, but not Moe, Punchy.

Punchy's awesome! ^-^
Ahh... All I need is punchy then I'll have all the lazy cats XD Both Moe and Bob is in my town :veryhappy:
I used to play AC:WW alot until AC:CF's release. Then, I once stopped to play during 2 months, then got back up. And since last week, I took another break from WW, mainly due of CF, other video games and homeworks are bit nastier than last year! I don't know when I'll go back playing, but at least I stored every hybrid I have (including Jacob Ladders). I would still play if wilting flowers weren't existed.
How do you get the room to store all of these? I have too many to fit into my closets... XS
I don't play any of the animal crossing games anymore. The game isn't really a long lasting game, considering you just do the same thing over and over again every time you play. (except on holidays)
I'm pretty sure City Folk is the same as Wild World, so yes. I still play Wild World.
Wild World is the only one I play. So if there's anyone out there who still plays... we should be buddies. :)