Does anyone feel old?

I'm feeling like an old chap even though I'm 22 now almost 1/4 of a hundred
Only sometimes. I feel like time has gone really quick. Im turning 18 in 3 days but i feel like im 15 but that isnt that far off. I grew up thinking i was really mature for my age but im not really at all lol.....
When talking to younger people definitely lol... Also just turned 28 today so might add to it :p
Sometimes I feel "old" relative to others, but not in general. I hear about all these YouTubers and other internet "celebrities" and everything that kids watch, and I'm always thinking "who?"
I also just turned 18, which is jarring to me because I still feel like a kid. I guess it takes time.
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1000x yes. But I think it's stress more than anything. I'm only 26, but carrying all this emotional weight makes me feel twice as old. Working on it.
No, not really. I'm 23 going on 24 next month, but yet I still feel like a kid. Sometimes I even act like a kid by accident, you know, being all cute and silly like one, but you know something? I love being silly and cute! It's actually a lot of fun! So nope. I don't feel old at all. :cool:
No not really, I'm 21 which isn't that old to begin with but I look and feel a lot younger than other people my age that I know. I'm not as independent and don't share the same interests. I'm also the youngest person on my work team by a lot so I'm the one making everyone else feel old when they mention old songs and T.V. shows that I wasn't even alive for LOL
1000x yes. But I think it's stress more than anything. I'm only 26, but carrying all this emotional weight makes me feel twice as old. Working on it.

I'm in the same boat. If it wasn't for the stress/emotional blegh, I'd feel so much younger. As it stands, I feel like Atlas.
No, I feel younger than 30 years old (turning 31 this coming February).
But when I talk to someone who is younger than me (like late teens or early 20's), I will feel a little old.
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I'm turning 21 in January and this is the first year I've actually felt old. And it sucks. Christmas wasn't enjoyable at all and spending time with my relatives is getting progressively harder each year. I don't want to celebrate my birthday and I'm so preoccupied with exams and other responsibilities I'm not enjoying this winter break at all. I just wish I could be 8 again, even just for a little while.
Wow, yeah. I kind of feel old. I'm 25, and will be 26 in June. 1990 was 30 years ago, 2000 was 20 years ago, and I'm looking around at all the great tech I have now, and I remember what it was like when I was a wee bab. My first game console was a Nintendo Gamecube all the way back in 2002!
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Sometimes. When I'm at work around the younger people, I feel very old lol. But most of the time I really don't feel my age and feel like I'm extremely young.