Does anyone have a Tamogotchi?

I have one I thiiink its Dream Town but its like 2 years old so I dont remember. XD

edit: Yeah its Dream town, Just realized that it says it on the bottom.
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I don't have one now but I had a ton of them as a kid (I also had those Digimon Digivices which were pretty much like Tamogotchis). We weren't allowed to take them to school so when I was in middle school I made my mom take care of mine for me lol (I think she got attached to it too).
I bought a Tamagotchi On a few months ago. It’s kind of annoying having to change the batteries all the time.
I had two when I was a kid. Generation 1 and Generation 2! They were really fun back in the day but I couldn't imagine owning one again. They're too demanding for lazy ol' me lol
I got the Tamagotchi x Pac-Man nano ; u ; have yet to break 'em in. I want the one with the color screen but I'd have to set money aside for it and really commit.
oh boy I love tamas.
In the Tamagotchi Meets series I have Sanrio, Pastel, Sweets, Fantasy (MY FAVE). Also have an ON which is good for the English translation :D
The 4U's are great, sad I don't have mine anymore. Have you seen/considered the meets series? It's a great integration with the app for the genes to be even more customized, only reason I stuck with them.
omg yes I do! I currently have a tamagotchi collection of 8. I currently have:
- Angelgotchi (Japanese vers.)
- V3
- V4.5
- V5 Familitchi
- V6 Music Star
- Tamagotchi P
- Tamagotchi Spacy M!X
- Tamagotchi Meets Fantasy (which I currently have on)

The Tamagotchi 4U is great if you have a phone with NFC
Yes I have a whole collection! I used to be obsessed with them but I lost interest as my life got a little busier. Collection pictured below with my favourite v4.5 in the top left :D (not featured: my familitchi)
I used to have a few tamagotchi as a kid but I haven’t opened one in years. I didn’t know they still made them to be honest! I was never really that good at taking care of them 😅
I had one, but I had to quit when it reached the point of me having nightmares about them dying every night-
I have a pink english angelgotchi that I somehow managed to snag for only 30 bucks, a pink Tamagotchi P, and the blue with rainbows Tamagotchi ON which I haven't got around to playing but I should! The ON was mostly an impulse buy because the shell was so nostalgic to me and I have a soft spot for pixels.

I probably still have my V2 lipstick and frog shell tamagotchis laying around the house somewhere too since my mom is a bit of a hoarder and never throws things away...🤭
Now I think about it, I actually got one for Christmas last year. I took it out of its packaging but I didn't switch it on yet.
Haven't seen them in years but I loved mine when I had one back in middle school. I’d always check on it during class to make sure they were happy haha

The mini games were super simple like the old browser games in online arcades (e.g.: helicopter, snake). Man were they ever fun though
Oh yeah, I have some. They're somewhat older and I haven't done anything with them recently...

Tamagotchi Mini (I think I have 2? One is old and the other is a new re-release that I actually haven't started up yet)
V4 (This one's screen is completely broken. Everything except the screen works last I remember)
V4.5 (I believe I have 3 of these?)
V5 (Familitchi)
V6 (Music Star)

All of them besides the mini ones still have their old data on them, though the V5 will sometimes delete itself when I replace the battery...