Plastic post earrings?


Feb 28, 2020
Sweetheart Easter Egg
Spring Bloom Easter Egg
Toy Duck Plush
Candy Easter Egg
Has anyone tried earrings with plastic posts?
I have ear piercings and havent really worn earrings for a long time due to a metal allergy. I assume it is a nickel allergy.
I did have these 16 gauge rings that didn't bother me for years, and then they started to bother me a little, and I can't for the life of me remember if they were labeled stainless steel, surgical stainless steel, or titanium.
I would love to try metal ones again, but tbh if I have a reaction I wouldn't know if I just got duped or if there is another metal allergy going on.
The plastic posts on earrings is new to me, but I read a lot of reviews of people complaining that they break and are cheap? Idk if they are hulking their earrings or if they are just a brittle plastic.
I'm only interested in hugging loop style or small studs like those tiny moons/geometrics, for everyday wear, so I would think they would be more sturdy than the dangly earrings.