Does anyone remember bottle mail?


Mar 24, 2018
Blue Bunny Balloon
Hey guys :D

Does anyone remember bottle mail?
you know, where you would buy bottle mail from nook, write on it and then send it out into the ocean?

Does it still work?

Anyway, here are some funny ones I've gotten:

I crave apples!
What kind of backwater town
doesn't have apples?
Mine! It would be great if
someone shared theirs
-Hayseed Hilda

Hello out there!
I hope someone cool reads
this letter...and I hope
I get a response!
-Just some guy
Oh yesssssss

Here is mine

What's up?!
So, I heard you got hitched!
Another bites the dust!
Stop by when you visit your folks next
-From Smitty

This one is just weird:
Dial 911 if you see him!
Name: Invisible Guy
Offence: Running a Red (what does Red mean)
Description: Invisible
-Neighbourhood Watch
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I miss bottle mail. D: What a blast from the past indeed. That apple one though lol. . .keep on being you, Hilda. xD
I got a few bottle messages, but the only one I remember appeared to be directed at someone else. They were ranting about how terrible of a friend this person was, and I guess it somehow ended up on my game.
I loved it. Sometimes random bottles from other players would end up in my game. I used to use the feature to write down my frustrations about villagers when I was a kid. I also remember writing emotional letters, hoping they'd end up in the towns of villagers who once moved.

Hope nobody ever really got to read them though lol.
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I don't know if that function is still supported, unfortunately. :< But, I loved that feature in WW, it was so whimsical and played a big part in the movie too. <3 Maybe they'll have it in the Switch version! :0
I'm surprised that they didn't brought them back in New Leaf, like as a feature for Streetpass or something.
Getting those bottle mails back in the days were always a funny thing.


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I really miss it. I haven't played Wild World that much but I've always loved the bottle mail function and I'm so sad they remove it. (Adding it too New Horizons would be cool and very fitting in my opinion by the way!)
I don't have any original bottle mails but I know my friend actually received a bottle from our other friend somehow! Which was so cool.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I really miss it. I haven't played Wild World that much but I've always loved the bottle mail function and I'm so sad they remove it. (Adding it too New Horizons would be cool and very fitting in my opinion by the way!)
I don't have any original bottle mails but I know my friend actually received a bottle from our other friend somehow! Which was so cool.
This was one of my favorite features in Wild World, and I'm hoping they bring it back for New Horizons. It's an island - anything can show up on the beach! When I was younger, I didn't know that the bottle mail would end up anywhere else, so I sometimes wrote my secrets, or really dumb things like random facts and how my day was.
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I used to send gifts to my partner with bottle mail.

I hope they bring that back in New Horizons.
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