Kind of a random thread. There are three styles of cutting green beans.
> There is the "normal" way which I don't think has a name. Just a few vertical cuts.
> The bais cut. They are vertical cuts but instead of of the cut being straight, it is angled.
> The French cut. It is a horizontal cut on the green bean causing it to be long thin slices of green beans.
All a green bean.
Does the cut matter to you? Which do you prefer? Why?
I don't mind the first two but I don't care for French cut, if I wanted to eat a bunch of string I would eat noodles. The real question I think is fresh versus canned, where I stand is with canned.
Ooh yes! I'm not usually a major fan of regular green beans tbh but I like them when they're the French cut and they're thin! Makes them a lot nicer to me.
I never really thought about anything besides half and “normal”. I prefer them normally because it’s more whole and contains the inner juices. I don’t always like food mixing or juices getting on things.
I love this question. As a green bean fan, I like all the cuts. My favorite is actually whole green beans with only the ends trimmed, seasoned and cooked in the oven. Freshly cooked green beans will always be a hundred times better than canned, though I'll eat both.
I don't like French cut green beans, they're too stringy to me lol. I also don't like to eat them whole because I don't like the ends. I prefer regular cut green beans
they're a yummy snack to me no matter how they're cut, delicious whole too. i think the french cut tastes best in fresh spring rolls and pho, otherwise i prefer to eat them whole
Canned string beans are just alright, but any of it fresh is really good. I used to grow them, but the effort involved is so much. Snapping one off the plant at a time is even more time consuming than picking for blueberries (and that is very time consuming to!) The difference is blueberries are super expensive and fresh greenbeans are still really cheap to get a big bag of them. So it's not worth the time unless you just enjoy growing them.
I personally don't mind either way the stringbean is shaped, but fresh is my favorite.
Just the ends trimmed works for most purposes (to me). Bias cut can be fun for stir fries, though. I've never prepared them with a French cut. Since others have mentioned, I'll add that I prefer fresh green beans, though frozen are fine too (I've never had them from a can)!