Does Nintendo need to pay more attention to AC?

thats wut this forum is mostly about ..... the bell tree get it thats the tree with the well
AC = Animal Crssing.

Oh haha sorry....i wasn't thinking. And yes i definatly do think they need to pay more attention to it. In my opinion, I think its one of the biggest games they will release for the DS as it was for the Gamecube. It's also probably my favorite game at this moment in time.
Stump said:
AC = Animal Crssing.

Oh haha sorry....i wasn't thinking. And yes i definatly do think they need to pay more attention to it. In my opinion, I think its one of the biggest games they will release for the DS as it was for the Gamecube. It's also probably my favorite game at this moment in time.
Yay. Animal Crossing for the DS will be the bigest game. Even bigger than Mario Kart DS probably. Nintnedos pays good attention to it, but they don't look at it as big as they do Zelda for example.
only_half_evil333 said:
thats wut this forum is mostly about ..... the bell tree get it thats the tree with the well
Well actually it's not. :lol: A Bell tree might grow if you plant a bag of bells in a gold, shimmering hole. Thats where TBT gets it's name.
Yes, Animal Crossing should get some more attention. I think that it should have a few more releases on different systems. Nintendo does need to focus on it more. Maybe make some merchandise about it. Yeah, that sounds good.
Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:
Yes, Animal Crossing should get some more attention. I think that it should have a few more releases on different systems. Nintendo does need to focus on it more. Maybe make some merchandise about it. Yeah, that sounds good.
sound good? Are you kidding me? That sounds GREAT!
Stump said:
Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:
Yes, Animal Crossing should get some more attention. I think that it should have a few more releases on different systems. Nintendo does need to focus on it more. Maybe make some merchandise about it. Yeah, that sounds good.
sound good? Are you kidding me? That sounds GREAT!
I'm glad you like the idea.
It wont get attention like mario or zelda, and right now it doesnt deserve it. the Mario and zelda franchises have had so many games that are classics, amazing games, changed the industry, come out since the 1980s. on the other hand, ac hasnt celebrated its 5 yr anniversary yet.
AC=great game? Yes.
AC=mario/zelda franchise? Give it another 10 years, then we'll see.
I think that Nintendo tried out AC GCN for the American audiences to see how they would react, and the reaction was phenomenal. Now, Nintendo wants to see what happens with AC DS. If that is huge, then Nintendo will focus on the AC franchise more. AC is huge in Japan, but not, of course, like Zelda. AC is a new-comer compared to Zelda, so AC needs to respect its elders, Mario and Zelda.

:p But seriously, if AC DS is succesful, then AC Rev will be HUGE.