Does the Iron Wall Lamp Trick Still Work?


Z z z...
May 7, 2020
Okay so I've been trying to get every villager's pictures starting with the villsgers I have. Its been almost 4 months since I restarted this new island and I belive Lyman is my highest friendship wise, but still no picture.

I really hate giving clothing/furniture to my villagers and would rather they stay in mint condition for when I trade them. I've tried fruit but all they've given me is clothes. I'm contemplating the Iron Wall Lamp DIY trick but I heard that actually makes villagers furniture disappear after a while. Is that true? And are there any better alternatives?
As far as I know it does have the potential to make furniture disappear, because it fills up their inventory.

in terms of the fruit, it should work with exactly the same chance as iron wall lamps anyway, provided you give the right amounts.

you need to wrap a stack of 2 foreign fruits, 3 coconuts or pumpkins, or 8 native fruits for gifting in order to meet the gift value and make it possible to receive a photo in exchange. (If you do not wrap you only give them one fruit)

you can also gift villagers high value items such as gold nuggets and giant clam shells (not the sea creature) and they will not display those either. The sell value of the gift must be 750+ bells to be able to get a picture in return.
I've used a combination of stacks of 3 wrapped non-native fruits or a wrapped iron wall lamp as daily gifts. I haven't had any villagers' furniture disappear, because they've always given their photos before I had to give too many iron wall lamps.
As far as I know it does have the potential to make furniture disappear, because it fills up their inventory.

in terms of the fruit, it should work with exactly the same chance as iron wall lamps anyway, provided you give the right amounts.

you need to wrap a stack of 2 foreign fruits, 3 coconuts or pumpkins, or 8 native fruits for gifting in order to meet the gift value and make it possible to receive a photo in exchange. (If you do not wrap you only give them one fruit)

you can also gift villagers high value items such as gold nuggets and giant clam shells (not the sea creature) and they will not display those either. The sell value of the gift must be 750+ bells to be able to get a picture in return.
I had read about trying the giant clams.

I had gotten enough for everybody to get one.

After passing out 3 of them, I stopped as the villagers who did receive one, seemed less than thrilled by it.
I had read about trying the giant clams.

I had gotten enough for everybody to get one.

After passing out 3 of them, I stopped as the villagers who did receive one, seemed less than thrilled by it.

On the one hand, I was going to say that villager reactions are unrelated to the actual friend points/ photo mechanic…but on the other hand getting a fun reaction is part of the fun, and it is after all, a game.

in the end, having completely ungifted villagers only really matters if you are interested in selling your villagers (and even then, not everyone cares)

wall lamps, clam shells, fruit, furniture, they all will work equally well to get the photo (if the simple value level is met - though you can get it in return for favors too), and you don’t have to care about keeping the house original unless you want to.

As everyone notes with the wall lamps it takes a lot for furniture to start disappearing from the house (and I primarily heard of it being an issue for villagers like Judy - who have a lot of furniture - including the lovely star garlands, which was what disappeared first)

I find fruit the easiest day to day, but also gift my villagers like crazy, just because I enjoy it and it personalizes them for me.