That logic is super outdated. I don't even care if someone has a weirdly magical upper-middle class household where the wife has the luxury of being a stay-at-home mom while the dad works. She still has an equal say in that house because she lives there. So do their kids (within reason).
I had a girlfriend who treated me that way. She considered herself to be the more "masculine" one in our relationship, and thought she was the one who should be in charge as a result. We obviously aren't dating anymore!
I disagree with the point of 'they live there, therefore they get equal say'.
If they aren't
equally contributing to the household in some way
(financially, looking after a baby, whatever else) or don't have a good reason for why they don't
(they're genuinely looking for work, disabilities), then they can either live with the knowledge that they don't have equal say in my house or get the **** out and find a new moron to mooch off of. I'm not a charity.
Nothing to do with masculinity or gender, it's called give and take, pulling your weight, contributing, it applies to both sexes. If somebody works hard to get something done, you don't give the rewards to the lazy fudge nozzle in the back who did nothing just because 'they were there'.
Though that's a mute point because I wouldn't be/live with somebody who didn't contribute and pull their weight, and would like to think nobody else here would.
Kids are obviously different to an adult here, I shouldn't even have to say that but it'll get brought up if I don't. They can't and I don't expect them to contribute the same as an adult, either because they physically/mentally/legally can't or I just don't trust them to do basic things correctly.
Plus, they just don't get an equal say anyway. Why? Because I don't trust the financial judgement of an 8 year old when it comes to what we need to 'cut back on' to pay the bills this month.
Though, I bet my wife will end up really running it. I'll just turn out to be one of those dads who comes home just for dinner and reads the newspaper until I go to bed offering shallow advice to kids I barely know when they come seeking life's solutions
From past experience, I won't be calling the shots in any household decisions in a relationship. I've always just done all the household chores so they can relax
(which is code for "I don't like the way you do it, I'm way better at washing up") and let them decide on anything 'aesthetic' about the house because I'm not that bothered
(until after we've bought 'the thing', which is when I decide I am actually bothered, so I just start secretly resenting their choice in tacky wallpaper and vulgar ornaments).
In regards to kids, it'll probably just be a lot of feigned interest as I fail horribly trying to interact with children whilst silently thinking to myself "Your hobbies are ****! Why don't you like the same cool 90's stuff I do!? BACK IN MY DAY!!!"