Does this signature follow guideline rules?


Apr 10, 2014
Oblivia's Ugly Christmas Egg
Red Holiday Candle
Gingerbread Man
Holiday Candy Cane 2021
Holiday Candy Cane 2020
Festive Bell
Christmas Candy
Holiday Candy Cane 2017
Holiday Candy Cane 2016
Winter Mittens
Hi, I've been on this site for I think a month at least, and know some of the in's and out's and rules. But I was wondering about the signature...

I know it can't exceed 250x715 pixels, but when I was about to change it (to one I have saved on my computer), it then said it could not be more than 500x150...or 253.9 Kb? (Plus, mines a gif) So I did not follow through in the risk of an infraction or warning. So, do I need to buy something from the shop that let's me qualify a gif? I've seen a lot of other users here have the same-related signature with all the sprites and what not, and saved them to my computer and they have LESS kb's...What makes mine so much higher?

The one I want to use will currently not let me upload it on this post... It is 426kb, and 400x200.

I know I can hide it in a spoiler (my last option), but I have yet to learn how to do that. If that is my only option, would someone mind telling me? Thanks for reading this incredibly loooong post :)

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Not this signature, I meant to upload the one I had questions about, but it wouldn't let me :(
Also, I saw the example of the 250x715 signature, and I'm pretty sure it's not that big... And I just realized my signature won't be a gif anymore... it doesn't move...
I'm not really sure about the entire signature size and all that, but in order to make a spoiler you have to use
and then [/spoiler.] Of course without the period in the spoiler ending.