Buying Done

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  1. Bells
  2. NMT
  3. TBT Bells
  4. Wishlist Items


Bass solo, take one.
Jan 14, 2022
Dark Easter Egg
Carnival Pinwheel
Spirit Candy: Wix
Final Boss Feather
Dark Easter Egg
100% (101) +
Looking for furniture, variant does not matter to me.

- Document Stack x1 OR Scattered Papers x1
- Festival Lantern x4
- Fine Vase x1
- Lucky Cat x1
- Metal Pot x1
- Mini Dharma x7
- Oil Barrel x1
- Painting Set x1
- Piggy Bank x1
- Samurai Suit x1
- Screen Wall x1
- Shopping Basket x5
- Square Bathtub x1
- Upright Piano x1
- Wristwatch x1

I can pay in TBT and various AC:NH items, including IGB and NMTs. Just ask what's in my inventory, and I'll most likely have it.

I'm also doing 1:1 trades for hybrids! I'm looking for any black, blue, and purple flowers.

Here's what I have:
*Need to update inventory!*
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I can give you extra hybrids I got. My beaches are covered, and I'm redoing allot of stuff on my isle.

I'll only need 1 of each to make more, so I can give lots.
Hi again, lol. I can give you 15 blue hyacinths! I can trade them for 4 gold roses.

Are you looking for the purple hyacinth wreath DIY or just the wreath? If you're looking for the wreath, I have one you can get.

No need to pay me, as usual. Let me know if you're interested!
I can give you extra hybrids I got. My beaches are covered, and I'm redoing allot of stuff on my isle.

I'll only need 1 of each to make more, so I can give lots.
Awesome! Feel free to give me however much you want. What would you like in return?

Hi again, lol. I can give you 15 blue hyacinths! I can trade them for 4 gold roses.

Are you looking for the purple hyacinth wreath DIY or just the wreath? If you're looking for the wreath, I have one you can get.

No need to pay me, as usual. Let me know if you're interested!
Yeah, I'm interested! I can trade the gold roses, I don't really use them. c:

Give me an hour (max) since I have some stuff to do, but I shouldn't be gone for terribly long. I'll send you both the code when I'm ready!
I started playing AC:NH again, and I'm looking for some items I need!

I'm on a mission to collect every in-game poster - I'm only missing 35!

Additionally, I have some spare posters, in case anyone wants to do 1:1 trades. Here's what I have:
*Sherb (x8)

I'm redoing my island, and I'm going to need lots of hybrids! Particularly black, purple, and blue ones.

Black flowers: Cosmos, roses, lilies, tulips
Blue flowers: Windflowers, pansies, hyacinths
Purple windflowers: Windflowers, pansies, hyacinths, roses, tulips, mums

I can trade any hybrids I don't need for them:
- Pink roses x12
- Pink tulips x26
- Green mums x12
- Pink hyacinths x12
- Gold roses x4

Any items that aren't posters or hybrids go here. I'm looking for:

- Ancient sashed robe (purple)
- Cool chair x4 (black)
- Cool dining table (black)

I can offer TBT and various AC:NH items, including bells and NMTs. I don't keep inventory of my stuff, so feel free to ask what I have and I'll check. Thanks for looking!
So I have hella black rose plants. How many did you want? You trading the plants or just flowers? Cuz I'm looking to plant green mums, pink tulips, pink hyacinths and gold roses among others.
So I have hella black rose plants. How many did you want? You trading the plants or just flowers? Cuz I'm looking to plant green mums, pink tulips, pink hyacinths and gold roses among others.
I have the plants! I don't have a definitive number in mind so feel free to trade however many roses you want. How many of each hybrids are you looking for?
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Finally ordered the posters, sorry it’s taken me a million years. I have these:
Coming tomorrow for you
I have the plants! I don't have a definitive number in mind so feel free to trade however many roses you want. How many of each hybrids are you looking for?
Eventually I'm trying to plant 10 of each color/type of flower. To that end, I would need:

9 Pink hyacinths
9 Pink tulips
10 green mums
10 gold roses (although you only have 4)

Are you going to trade the gold roses 1:1 also?

Need other hybrids too but going off of what you listed.
Eventually I'm trying to plant 10 of each color/type of flower. To that end, I would need:

9 Pink hyacinths
9 Pink tulips
10 green mums
10 gold roses (although you only have 4)

Are you going to trade the gold roses 1:1 also?

Need other hybrids too but going off of what you listed.
That works for me! I would give you more gold roses if I could, but I can give you a golden watering can instead. (And yes, the roses are 1:1.)

I just woke up, so give me a bit of time (half an hour) to wake up and eat. I'll send you a PM when I'm ready. 😁
i have 2 purple windflowers and 8 purple hyacinths i can trade for igb

i also have loooots of blue windflowers, do you know how many you'd need? they're my native flower and they overgrew like mad while i didn't play for a couple years lol.
i have 2 purple windflowers and 8 purple hyacinths i can trade for igb

i also have loooots of blue windflowers, do you know how many you'd need? they're my native flower and they overgrew like mad while i didn't play for a couple years lol.
Oh, awesome! How much IGB are you looking for? I have too much (in the millions 😭), so I can part with however much you think is fair.

I don't have any blue windflowers, so would a full inventory be good? I don't mind you making multiple trips. The code is H4M2N for when you're ready. c:
Oh, awesome! How much IGB are you looking for? I have too much (in the millions 😭), so I can part with however much you think is fair.

I don't have any blue windflowers, so would a full inventory be good? I don't mind you making multiple trips. The code is H4M2N for when you're ready. c:
i have no idea what the igb rate is anymore lol 💀 is it still 1 tbt = 500k?

if it's alright i could do 30 blue windflowers so it only takes 1 trip, if you need more i can count what i have left after
i have no idea what the igb rate is anymore lol 💀 is it still 1 tbt = 500k?

if it's alright i could do 30 blue windflowers so it only takes 1 trip, if you need more i can count what i have left after
I'm not sure myself! My last trade was 200k for 2 trips worth of flowers, so would 100k be good?
I'm not sure myself! My last trade was 200k for 2 trips worth of flowers, so would 100k be good?
that's fine with me! forgot my shovel takes up a space so it's actually 29 blue windflowers for now sffgdfsd
if you're still open i'll make my way over!
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the connection went funny just as i was leaving, do you still have the flowers? i don't have the bells anymore D:
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that's fine with me! forgot my shovel takes up a space so it's actually 29 blue windflowers for now sffgdfsd
if you're still open i'll make my way over!
Looks like I got a communication error - I have the flowers, but the bells are still here. I'll get you another code so you can get the bells, sorry about that!
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hi! I ordered the poster today so I won't have it until tomorrow, but I could bring you elise's poster if you still need it! I don't want anything in return, just happy to help out :)
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