Donevor's TBT Shop: [PM Orders]

Party Poison

Look Alive Sunshine
Dec 13, 2013
Voodoo Doll
Peach (Fruit)
Red Candy
July Birthstone (Ruby)
May Birthstone (Emerald)
April Birthstone (Diamond)
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
January Birthstone (Garnet)
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
November Birthstone (Topaz)
100% (429) +
*・゜゚・*☆ Openings Available ☆*・゜゚・*

*・゜゚・*☆ IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please PM me if you do not hear back from me after two days! Sometimes I lose an order in my inbox or forget. ☆*・゜゚・*

*・゜゚・*☆ O R D E R ✿ P R O G R E S S ☆*・゜゚・*
O R D E R S ✿ I N - P R O G R E S S

O R D E R S ✿ R E A D Y

O R D E R S ✿ P E N D I N G
If not picked up by the end of ----, these orders will be sold to the general public.

O R D E R ✿ O P E N I N G S
Since I?ve become busy with school, I will only be able to take up to 5 orders at a time from Re-Tail and 5 orders from TBT Marketplace! Once a slot opens you may post an order. I will not take any orders during full slots or do reserves. ONLY POST WHEN A SLOT IS OPEN!
1✿ O P E N
2✿ O P E N
3✿ O P E N
4✿ O P E N
5✿ O P E N

*・゜゚・*☆ S H O P ✿ N E W S ☆*・゜゚・*
January 29 | The shop will be re-opening soon, but there will be some changes to how you may order as well as rule changes. So please review those changes before placing an order.
January 5 (Editted) | As more orders come in, I've decided to raise the Giveaway goal to 25M so that I'm not doing a giveaway so frequently and due to school starting. The first giveaway will still be held at 3M though.
January 3 | I want to try and do something fun to give back to the community so for every 3M worth of items bought I plan on doing a giveaway, starting today. :;(∩?﹏`∩);: Sorry if this seems silly.

*・゜゚・*☆ S H O P ✿ R U L E S ☆*・゜゚・*
Trades take place in my town; unless you need me to go to yours for visits
You may talk to my villagers for things like signatures; they like visitors anyways
Do not run, pick up flowers, or dig up holes
Trades have 48 hours to be picked up once order is completed and I?ve PM?d you; message me if you can't
Friend codes are sometimes deleted to save space; no offense to anyone
Be patient/polite while I complete your order
Please be fair in offering, if you do not know the prices on TBT then please take time to use the search function and do a bit of research
Only one inventories worth of items per order; so 16 single items or one complete set with a few extra items
Any complaints or feedback should be PM?d to me to discuss in private rather than public outings
Please provide wi-fi feedback about your experience and trade with my shop as a courtesy to help me better my services (I wi-fi feedback anyone who I trade with regardless, though)
Please allow up to 48 hours for delivery.

I will buy TBT bell at 800K AC for 100 TBT. Or I can offer the following items from my catalogs:

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I'm not familiar with TBT exchanges and items so would 200 be okay? Since AC TBT exchange is 500-100? Correct me on my price if it's to crazy. xD
All o 3o

- - - Post Merge - - -

Like I said, am not familiar with TBT prices for sets.
Me either! But yeah, that's fine! If I got the berliner and golden axe too, how much would it be? ^-^
i know we seriously just met minutes ago :D but how much would you like for a sweets set, a boxed figurine, a hibiscus, a pumpkin pie and an octopus chair? <3
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Take your time!~ I'll open my gates and stuff so you can come over whenever you're all set.

On my way! Sorry about that wait, I was all, " I don't see her town D:" (forgot to add you).

- - - Post Merge - - -

i know we seriously just met minutes ago :D but how much would you like for a sweets set, a boxed figurine, a hibiscus, a pumpkin pie and an octopus chair? <3

Would 350 be okay? :3
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Me please! I've been trying to buy a sweets set forever, but I can never catch my trader online. :c Please tell me you still have a sweets set, lol. 350 TBT bells works for me, too.

Also, if possible, can I buy an extra minitable, bookcase, 3 chairs, lamp, and minilamp? Will pay more TBT bells, of course. c:
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